Idaho Code

59-1107A. RECOVERY OF OVERPAYMENTS — PAYMENT OF EXPENSES AND DISTRIBUTION OF RECOVERIES. The state controller is authorized to recover on behalf of the state and all governmental entities enumerated in section 59-1101, Idaho Code, and on behalf of all officers and employees thereof, social security overpayments made to the United States treasury.
The expenses incurred by the state controller in recovering such overpayments for a state agency and its employees or any governmental entity other than a school district and its employees shall be charged to the state agency or such governmental entity. In the event the state controller incurs expenses in connection with a program to seek such a recovery on behalf of more than one (1) state agency or governmental entity, he shall allocate such expenses to such state agencies and governmental entities in such manner as he deems reasonable. The state controller may bill state agencies and governmental entities other than school districts directly for such expenses or may reduce the amount of their recovery of social security funds or credits by the amount of such expenses.
Expenses incurred for recovery of funds on behalf of school districts and their employees may be paid out of any recoveries of overpayments on behalf of school districts.
The state controller may take such actions as he deems reasonable in the recovery of such overpayments including contracting with third parties for the recovery of such funds.
The full amount of any recoveries of overpayments for employees of the state and all governmental entities shall be refunded to such employees. The amount of any recoveries on behalf of the state and its agencies and school districts after deducting the expenses of collection shall be transferred to the state general account. Any expenses previously paid by a state agency shall be refunded to such state agency from such recoveries. Any unpaid expenses shall be paid from such recoveries. The amount of any recoveries on behalf of other governmental entities after deducting any unpaid expenses of collection shall be refunded to such governmental entities or allowed as a credit against future social security liability.

[59-1107A, added 1983, Ch. 2, 1st E.S., sec. 1, p. 7; am. 1994, ch. 180, sec. 137, p. 510.]