Idaho Code

50-3006. USE OF PUBLIC RIGHTS-OF-WAY BY A HOLDER OF A CERTIFICATE OF FRANCHISE AUTHORITY. (1) A local unit of government shall allow the holder of a certificate of franchise authority to install, construct and maintain facilities within the public rights-of-way, over which the local unit of government has jurisdiction, to enable the provision of video services to subscribers to such services. No provision of this chapter shall diminish or otherwise limit the authority of this state, highway district or other local unit of government having jurisdiction over the public rights-of-way. Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to limit, abrogate or supersede the provisions of any applicable local ordinance or other regulation governing the use of the public rights-of-way.
(2) If no local code, ordinance, resolution or other regulation by the local unit of government regulates the installation of physical facilities within public rights-of-way, the following requirements shall be deemed the minimum standards for such activities:
(a) At least thirty (30) days prior to contemplated construction within public rights-of-way, a specific description of the locations where the facilities are proposed to be installed within the public rights-of-way and the construction methods that are proposed must be provided to the local unit of government responsible for the rights-of-way procurement or maintenance.
(b) A certificate of franchise authority granted pursuant to this chapter carries with it an obligation to respect orderly management and maintenance of public rights-of-way by the system operator. A system operator authorized hereby to use public rights-of-way shall employ sound construction practices to maintain the integrity of public improvements and preexisting rights-of-way conditions and shall be responsible for repair or replacement of any improvements or maintenance or restoration of any conditions disrupted by construction activities. The system operator shall cause any such repair or replacement to be made promptly and in a manner that complies with adopted standards or as is otherwise appropriate to restore the rights-of-way to conditions existing before installation.
(c) The certificate of franchise authority granted pursuant to this chapter also carries a duty to coordinate installation of any physical plant in public rights-of-way with the public utilities or municipal services already using or contemplating use of the same or related public rights-of-way. Such coordination shall endeavor to minimize conflicts and avoid damage to existing or otherwise planned facilities.
(3) A local unit of government shall provide the holder of a certificate of franchise authority with open, comparable, nondiscriminatory and competitively neutral access to the public rights-of-way within its jurisdiction.
(4) A local unit of government may not impose requirements that discriminate against a system operator in any manner, including:
(a) The authorization or placement of facilities in public rights-of-way that is necessary for the provision of video services;
(b) Access to a public building; or
(c) The terms or conditions for access to any utility pole within the control of the local unit of government.
(d) Provided however, the provisions of this subsection shall not be construed to supersede an agreement, or portion of an agreement, related to the joint use of utility infrastructure within the control of the local unit of government, between the local unit of government and a video service.
(5) A local unit of government may impose a permit or license fee on a system operator relating to the opening, closing, inspection or repair of public rights-of-way over which rights-of-way the local unit of government has jurisdiction, but only to the extent it imposes such a fee on other video service providers. A fee authorized in this section shall not exceed the actual costs incurred by the local unit of government that are directly related to the system operator’s activity in the rights-of-way with which the permit is associated. In no event may a fee under this subsection be charged:
(a) If the system operator, or its affiliate, already has paid a permit fee in connection with the same activity in the public rights-of-way that would otherwise be covered by the permit fee under this section; or
(b) For general revenue purposes.

[50-3006, added 2012, ch. 207, sec. 1, p. 556.]