Idaho Code

42-4416. COMMISSIONERS — POWERS AND DUTIES. The board of commissioners of levee districts shall have the following powers and duties:
(1) To annually fix and determine the amount of money required to be raised by taxation to supply funds for costs of maintenance, operation, and/or construction of the levees and equipment of the district, and to levy and cause to be collected assessments on real property within the district in an amount not to exceed eight hundredths percent (.08%) of each dollar of market value for assessment purposes; provided, however, that a higher levy may be approved and ratified by the qualified voters at an election to be held, subject to the provisions of section 34-106, Idaho Code, for that purpose, and said levy shall be certified by the board to the board of county commissioners of the county, or counties, in which said district is located, with directions that at the time and in the manner required by law for levying taxes for county purposes, such board, or boards, of county commissioners shall levy such tax upon the real property within the boundaries of the district. Such certification of levies shall be prepared and forwarded by the board of the levee district to the board, or boards, of county commissioners on or before September 1, of each year.
Such levies shall be levied and collected in the manner provided by law, and the moneys collected shall be turned over to the treasurer or treasurers, of the county, or counties, in which said district is located.
Said moneys shall be public funds and subject to the provisions of the public depository laws of the state.
(2) To employ such personnel as may be necessary to carry out the purposes and objects of this chapter, with the full power to bind said district for the compensation of such personnel.
(3) To sue and be sued in the name of the district; to have a seal, which seal shall be judicially noticed; to have perpetual succession unless terminated as hereinafter provided; to make and execute contracts and other instruments necessary or convenient to the exercise of its power and to promulgate, amend and repeal rules and regulations not consistent with the provisions of this chapter.
(4) To manage and conduct the business and affairs of the district, both within and without the district.
(5) To maintain, operate and/or construct levees for containment of irrigation water and for the prevention of floodwater whether within or without the boundaries of the district, and to enter into contract for the purposes set forth above; provided, however, that the board shall not enter into contracts except in accordance with the provisions of chapter 28, title 67, Idaho Code. However, where it is determined by order of the board that there is an existing emergency, the requirement for sealed competitive bids shall not apply.
(6) To prescribe the duties of officers, agents and employees as may be required.
(7) To establish the fiscal year of the district and to keep records of all business transactions of the district.
(8) To prepare a statement of the financial condition of the district at the end of each fiscal year according to generally accepted accounting principles, and publish in at least one (1) issue of some newspaper published, or in general circulation in, the county, or counties, in which such district is located and to file a certified copy of such financial report with the director of the department of water resources.
(9) To have an audit of the financial affairs of the district as required in section 67-450B, Idaho Code.
(10) To obtain options upon and acquire by purchase, exchange, lease, gift, grant, bequest, devise, or otherwise, any property, real or personal, and improve any properties acquired; to receive income from such properties and to expend such income in carrying out the purposes and provisions of this chapter; to lease any of its property or interest therein in furtherance of the purposes and provisions of this chapter, provided that any contract or agreement for the acquisition, purchase or repair of personal property shall be entered into in accordance with the provisions of chapter 28, title 67, Idaho Code.
(11) To have the power of eminent domain for the use of the district in the maintenance, operation, and construction of its levees or any other use necessary in the carrying out of the provisions of this chapter.
(12) To convey rights-of-way and easements for highways, public roads, public utilities, and for other purposes, over district property, as shall be determined by the board to be in the best interests of the district.
(13) To convey, by deed, bill of sale, or other appropriate instrument, all of the estate and interest of the district, in any real or personal property. Prior to such sale or conveyance, the board shall have the property appraised by three (3) disinterested residents of the district, which appraisal shall be entered in the minutes of the board. The property may be sold at public auction or at a private sale by sealed competitive bids, as the board shall determine, to the highest cash bidder, provided that in no case shall any property of a district be sold for less than its appraised value. All sales by sealed competitive bids shall be advertised as herein provided.
(14) To enter into contracts or agreements with the United States or any of its officers, agents or subdivisions, or with the state or any of its officers, persons or agencies in effectuating, promoting and accomplishing the purposes of this chapter, provided that the district has sufficient moneys on hand, or in their budget for the year in which said contract is entered into, to defray the expenditure of funds called for in such contract without the creation of any indebtedness.
Whenever any such contract shall, by its terms, require the expenditure of funds by the district in excess of the moneys on hand or the funds to be realized from their budget for the year in which said contract is entered into, then such contract may not be entered into by the district until ratified by two-thirds (2/3) of the qualified voters voting at an election to be held, subject to the provisions of section 34-106, Idaho Code, for that purpose, according to the provisions of this chapter.
(15) To bear its allocated share of the cost of any project resulting from any contract or agreement entered into as provided herein.
(16) To take over, administer and maintain pursuant to any agreement or contract entered into in accordance with the provisions of this chapter, any levee project within or without the boundaries of the district undertaken in cooperation with the United States or any of its agencies, or with the state of Idaho or any of its agencies, or any combinations thereof.
(17) To accept donations, gifts and contributions in money, services, or materials or otherwise, from the United States or any of its agencies, or the state of Idaho or any of its agencies or any combinations thereof, and to expend such moneys, services, or materials in carrying on its operations.
(18) To exercise all other powers necessary, convenient or incidental to carrying out the purposes and provisions of this chapter.

[42-4416, added 1990, ch. 396, sec. 1, p. 1112; am. 1993, ch. 327, sec. 22, p. 1214; am. 1993, ch. 387, sec. 14, p. 1432; am. 1995, ch. 118, sec. 82, p. 495; am. 2005, ch. 213, sec. 12, p. 648.]