Idaho Code

42-4409. HEARINGS ON PETITIONS — OBJECTION TO INCLUSION. On the day fixed for such hearing or at any adjournment thereof the court shall ascertain from the tax rolls of the county or counties in which the district is located or into which it extends, the total number of taxpayers within the proposed district who pay a general tax on real property owned by them within the district.
If the court finds that no petition has been signed and presented in conformity with this chapter, or that the material facts are not as set forth in the petition filed, it shall dismiss said proceedings and adjudge the costs against the signers of the petition in such proportion as it shall deem just and equitable. No appeal or writ of error shall lie from an order dismissing said proceedings; but nothing herein shall be construed to prevent the filing of a subsequent petition or petitions for similar improvements or for a similar district, and the right so to renew such proceedings is hereby expressly granted and authorized.
Any time after the filing of the petition for the organization of a district and before the day fixed for the hearing thereon, the owner or owners of any real property within the proposed district may file an objection with the court stating reasons why said property should not be included therein, why his land or any part thereof will not be benefited by the proposed district, and praying that said property be excluded therefrom. Such objection shall be duly verified and shall describe the property sought to be excluded. The court shall, at the hearing, examine and take testimony and evidence on all objections to inclusion in the district. In case any owner of real estate included in said proposed district shall satisfy the court that his real estate, or any part thereof, has been wrongfully included therein or will not be benefited thereby then the court shall exclude such real estate as will not be benefited.
Upon said hearing, if it shall appear that a petition for the organization of a district has been signed and presented as hereinabove provided, in conformity with this chapter, and the allegations of the petition are true, the court shall, by order duly entered of record, direct that the question of the organization of the district be submitted to the qualified electors of the district at an election to be held, subject to the provisions of section 34-106, Idaho Code, for that purpose, and such order shall appoint three (3) qualified electors of the district as judges of said election. The clerk of the court having jurisdiction shall publish notice of the time and place of an election to be held in the district.
Such election shall be held and conducted in the same manner as general elections in this state, except that the court shall establish as many election precincts within such proposed district as are deemed necessary, shall define the boundaries thereof, which precincts and boundaries may thereafter be changed by the board of commissioners of such district if so organized.

[42-4409, added 1990, ch. 396, sec. 1, p. 1110; am. 1995, ch. 118, sec. 80, p. 494.]