Idaho Code

39-4512A. PHYSICIAN ORDERS FOR SCOPE OF TREATMENT (POST). (1) A physician orders for scope of treatment (POST) form is a health care provider order signed by a physician or by a PA or by an APPN. The POST form must also be signed by the person, or it must be signed by the person’s surrogate decision maker provided that the POST form is not contrary to the person’s last known expressed wishes or directions.
(2) The POST form shall be effective from the date of execution unless suspended or revoked.
(3) The attending physician, APPN or PA shall, upon request of the person or the person’s surrogate decision maker, provide the person or the person’s surrogate decision maker with a copy of the POST form, discuss with the person or the person’s surrogate decision maker the form’s content and ramifications and treatment options, and assist the person or the person’s surrogate decision maker in the completion of the form.
(4) The attending physician, APPN or PA shall review the POST form:
(a) Each time the physician, APPN or PA examines the person, or at least every seven (7) days, for persons who are hospitalized; and
(b) Each time the person is transferred from one (1) care setting or care level to another; and
(c) Any time there is a substantial change in the person’s health status; and
(d) Any time the person’s treatment preferences change.
Failure to meet these review requirements does not affect the POST form’s validity or enforceability. As conditions warrant, the physician, APPN or PA may issue a superseding POST form. The physician, APPN or PA shall, whenever practical, consult with the person or the person’s surrogate decision maker.
(5) A person who has completed a POST form pursuant to the provisions of this section or for whom a POST form has been completed at the request of his or her surrogate decision maker may wear a POST identification device as provided in section 39-4502(15), Idaho Code.
(6) The department of health and welfare shall develop the POST form.

[39-4512A, added 2007, ch. 196, sec. 13, p. 590; am. 2012, ch. 302, sec. 11, p. 835.]