Idaho Code

39-4504. PERSONS WHO MAY GIVE CONSENT TO CARE FOR OTHERS. (1) Consent for the furnishing of hospital, medical, dental, surgical or other health care, treatment or procedures to any person who is not then capable of giving such consent as provided in this chapter or who is a minor may be given or refused in the order of priority set forth hereafter; provided however, that the surrogate decision maker shall have sufficient comprehension as required to consent to his or her own health care pursuant to the provisions of section 39-4503, Idaho Code; and provided further that the surrogate decision maker shall not have authority to consent to or refuse health care contrary to such person’s advance directives, POST or wishes expressed by such person while the person was capable of consenting to his or her own health care:
(a) The court appointed guardian of such person;
(b) The person named in another person’s "Living Will and Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care" pursuant to section 39-4510, Idaho Code, or a similar document authorized by this chapter if the conditions in such living will for authorizing the agent to act have been satisfied;
(c) If married, the spouse of such person;
(d) An adult child of such person;
(e) A parent of such person;
(f) The person named in a delegation of parental authority executed pursuant to section 15-5-104, Idaho Code;
(g) Any relative of such person who represents himself or herself to be an appropriate, responsible person to act under the circumstances;
(h) Any other competent individual representing himself or herself to be responsible for the health care of such person; or
(i) If the person presents a medical emergency or there is a substantial likelihood of his or her life or health being seriously endangered by withholding or delay in the rendering of such hospital, medical, dental, surgical or other health care to such person and the person has not communicated and is unable to communicate his or her treatment wishes, the attending health care provider may, in his or her discretion, authorize and/or provide such health care, as he or she deems appropriate, and all persons, agencies and institutions thereafter furnishing the same, including such health care provider, may proceed as if informed, valid consent therefor had been otherwise duly given.
(2) No person who, in good faith, gives consent or authorization for the provision of hospital, medical, dental, surgical or other health care, treatment or procedures to another person as provided by this chapter shall be subject to civil liability therefor.
(3) No health care provider who, in good faith, obtains consent from a person pursuant to either section 39-4503 or 39-4504(1), Idaho Code, shall be subject to civil liability therefor.

[(39-4504) 39-4503, added 2005, ch. 120, sec. 2, p. 381; am. and redesig. 2007, ch. 196, sec. 4, p. 581; am. 2012, ch. 302, sec. 4, p. 827.]