Idaho Code

26-1113. IMPAIRMENT OF CAPITAL — ASSESSMENT. Notwithstanding any law of this state to the contrary, the stock of a bank chartered by the state of Idaho shall be assessable. Whenever the director has reason to believe that the capital and surplus of any bank is impaired or reduced below the amount required by the director at the time the bank’s charter was issued or an amount which the director reasonably believes to be necessary for the protection of the depositors of the bank, it shall be the duty of the director to examine said bank and ascertain the facts. In case he finds an impairment or reduction of capital and surplus, he shall order the bank to make good the deficiency within thirty (30) days after the date of the order. The directors of the bank upon which an order shall have been made, shall levy an assessment upon the stock of the bank to repair the capital deficiency. The director shall cause notice of the order and the amount of the assessment to be given to each stockholder of the bank. Notice shall be given by a written notice mailed to each stockholder at his last known address or served personally upon him. If any stockholder shall refuse or neglect to pay the assessment specified in the notice within ten (10) days from the date of mailing or service upon him of the notice, the directors of the bank shall have the right to sell the stock of such stockholder, at public auction. Previous notice of such sale shall be given ten (10) days in advance of the date of the sale in a newspaper of general circulation in the county where the principal place of business of the bank is located. A copy of the notice of sale shall also be served personally on the stockholder or by mailing same to his last known address ten (10) days before the day fixed for the sale. Such stock may be sold at private sale and without such public notice; provided that an offer in writing shall first be obtained and a copy thereof served upon the owner of record of the stock sought to be sold, either personally or by mailing a copy of the offer to his last known address. If, after service of the offer, the owner shall refuse or neglect to pay the assessment within two (2) weeks from the time of the service of the offer, the directors may accept the offer and sell the stock to the person(s) making the offer, or to any other person(s) making a larger offer than the offer submitted to the stockholder. Stock shall in no event be sold for less than the amount of the assessment called for and the expense of the sale.
The stockholder whose shares of stock are to be sold shall return the certificates evidencing such shares to the bank prior to the date the shares will be sold.
Out of the proceeds of the stock so sold, the directors shall pay the amount of assessment levied thereon and the necessary costs of sale, and the balance, if any, shall be paid to the person or persons whose stock has thus been sold. A sale of stock as herein provided shall effect an absolute cancelation of the outstanding certificate or certificates evidencing the stock so sold and shall make the same null and void, and a new certificate shall be issued to the purchaser thereof.

[26-1113, added 1979, ch. 41, sec. 2, p. 118.]