Idaho Code
Section 26-1104 - FEES.

26-1104. FEES. (1) On January 15 of each year, the director shall fix and collect from each state bank a fee based upon the amount of the total assets of the bank as of December 31 of the preceding calendar year, which fees shall not exceed the amounts set forth in the following schedule:


$0 to $1 million

$1,500 Flat Fee

$1 million to $10 million

$2,000 + $.25 per thousand dollars of assets in excess of $1 million

$10 million to $50 million

$4,250 + $.19 per thousand dollars of assets in excess of $10 million

$50 million to $100 million

$11,850 + $.12 per thousand dollars of assets in excess of $50 million

$100 million to $500 million

$17,850 + $.10 per thousand dollars of assets in excess of $100 million

$500 million to $1 billion

$57,850 + $.09 per thousand dollars of assets in excess of $500 million

$1 billion to $3 billion

$102,850 + $.08 per thousand dollars of assets in excess of $1 billion

$3 billion to $10 billion

$262,850 + $.07 per thousand dollars of assets in excess of $3 billion

$10 billion to $20 billion

$752,850 + $.03 per thousand dollars of assets in excess of $10 billion

$20 billion and over

$1,052,850 + $.02 per thousand dollars of assets in excess of $20 billion

(2) In addition to the foregoing, each state bank shall pay to the director an additional sum not to exceed one hundred dollars ($100) for each office and branch office maintained by said bank. The director shall collect from each bank for each special examination of its condition an amount sufficient to reimburse the director for the actual expenses incurred in connection therewith.
(3) The director may, in his discretion, assess state banks and state bank holding companies for the review, analysis and investigation of an application to:
(a) Charter or incorporate a bank or bank holding company;
(b) Establish a branch or office;
(c) Merge with, acquire, or be acquired by another bank or bank holding company located in or outside of Idaho; and
(d) Convert to an entity other than a state bank or bank holding company.
(4) For banks operating in Idaho with a home state other than Idaho, the director may, in his discretion, enter into a cooperative agreement with the home state supervisor of the bank to assess supervisory fees on the bank. The fees may include assessments, examination fees, branch fees, license fees and all other fees that are levied by the director on state banks. If such agreement has been entered, the director may, in his discretion, assess supervisory fees on banks operating in Idaho with home states other than Idaho.
(5) All fees, fines, examination and miscellaneous charges collected by the director pursuant to the Idaho bank act shall be deposited into the finance administrative account pursuant to section 67-2702, Idaho Code.

[26-1104, added 1979, ch. 41, sec. 2, p. 115; am. 1980, ch. 169, sec. 1, p. 361; am. 1984, ch. 47, sec. 1, p. 77; am. 1995, ch. 99, sec. 6, p. 303; am. 1997, ch. 225, sec. 3, p. 662; am. 2015, ch. 204, sec. 13, p. 626; am. 2021, ch. 58, sec. 4, p. 189.]