Idaho Code
Chapter 29 - IDAHO BAIL ACT
Section 19-2909 - PROPERTY BOND.

19-2909. PROPERTY BOND. A property bond may be posted by the defendant or third person on behalf of the defendant. For real property to qualify as sufficient surety, it must be located in the state of Idaho and must have an equity value, after deducting the outstanding balance of any existing liens and encumbrances, in the amount of the bail set by the court plus anticipated collection costs. Acceptance of a property bond is in the discretion of the court. A property bond posted with and accepted by the court pursuant to this section, and recorded, shall constitute a consensual lien on the property pursuant to section 55-1005(3), Idaho Code. All fees shall be paid by the person posting the property bond. An order of the court exonerating the property bond shall extinguish the lien and cancel the promissory note. The property bond and the promissory note shall be in a form approved by the supreme court.

[19-2909, added 2009, ch. 90, sec. 2, p. 262.]