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205A-1 Definitions. - Note Former Part I, Long Range Goals, § §205A-1 to...
205A-2 Coastal zone management program; objectives and policies. - §205A-2 Coastal zone management program; objectives and policies. (a) The...
205A-3 Lead agency. - §205A-3 Lead agency. The lead agency shall: (1) Receive, disburse,...
205A-3.5 Public advisory body; establishment; composition - §205A-3.5 Public advisory body; establishment; composition. (a) There is established...
205A-4 Implementation of objectives, policies, and guidelines. - §205A-4 Implementation of objectives, policies, and guidelines. (a) In implementing...
205A-5 Compliance. - §205A-5 Compliance. (a) All agencies shall ensure that their rules...
205A-6 Cause of action. - §205A-6 Cause of action. (a) Subject to chapters 661 and...
205A-21 Findings and purposes. - Note Part heading amended by L 1979, c 200, §6....
205A-22 Definitions. - §205A-22 Definitions. As used in this part, unless the context...
205A-23 County special management area boundaries. - §205A-23 County special management area boundaries. (a) The special management...
205A-24 and 205A-25 REPEALED. - § §205A-24 and 205A-25 REPEALED. L 1977, c 188, §...
205A-26 Special management area guidelines. - §205A-26 Special management area guidelines. In implementing this part, the...
205A-27 Designation of special management area authority. - §205A-27 Designation of special management area authority. The authority is...
205A-28 Permit required for development. - §205A-28 Permit required for development. No development shall be allowed...
205A-29 Special management area use permit procedure. - §205A-29 Special management area use permit procedure. (a) The authority...
205A-30 Emergency and minor permits. - §205A-30 Emergency and minor permits. Each county authority shall provide...
205A-30.5 Prohibitions. - §205A-30.5 Prohibitions. (a) No special management area use permit or...
205A-31 REPEALED. - §205A-31 REPEALED. L 1979, c 200, §14.
205A-32 Penalties - §205A-32 Penalties. (a) Any person who violates any provision of...
205A-33 Injunctions. - §205A-33 Injunctions. Any person or agency violating any provision of...
205A-41 Definitions. - §205A-41 Definitions. As used in this part, unless the context...
205A-42 Determination of the shoreline. - §205A-42 Determination of the shoreline. (a) The board of land...
205A-43 Establishment of shoreline setbacks and duties and powers of the department. - §205A-43 Establishment of shoreline setbacks and duties and powers of...
205A-43.5 Powers and duties of the authority. - §205A-43.5 Powers and duties of the authority. (a) Prior to...
205A-43.6 Enforcement of shoreline setbacks. - §205A-43.6 Enforcement of shoreline setbacks. (a) The department or an...
205A-44 Prohibitions. - §205A-44 Prohibitions. (a) The mining or taking of sand, dead...
205A-45 Shoreline setback lines established by county. - §205A-45 Shoreline setback lines established by county. (a) The several...
205A-46 Variances. - §205A-46 Variances. (a) A variance may be granted for a...
205A-47 REPEALED. - §205A-47 REPEALED. L 1989, c 356, §16.
205A-48 Conflict of other laws. - §205A-48 Conflict of other laws. In case of a conflict...
205A-49 Adoption of rules. - §205A-49 Adoption of rules. Each agency charged with carrying out...
205A-61 Definitions. - §205A-61 Definitions. As used in this part: "Exclusive economic zone"...
205A-62 Duties and responsibilities of the lead agency. - §205A-62 Duties and responsibilities of the lead agency. The lead...
205A-63 Agency duties to coordinate related programs. - §205A-63 Agency duties to coordinate related programs. All agencies managing...
205A-64 Public participation. - §205A-64 Public participation. The lead agency and the public advisory...
205A-71 Artificial light on shoreline and ocean waters. - §205A-71 Artificial light on shoreline and ocean waters. (a) Artificial...