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147-1 Definitions. - Note Part heading amended by L 2008, c 167, §2....
147-2 Duties of department; violations; proceedings; penalties. - §147-2 Duties of department; violations; proceedings; penalties. The department shall...
147-3 REPEALED. - §147-3 REPEALED. L 1991, c 134, §2.
147-4 Rules. - §147-4 Rules. The department may make rules, subject to chapter...
147-5 Prohibition of deceptive packing. - §147-5 Prohibition of deceptive packing. No person shall sell, expose,...
147-6 REPEALED. - §147-6 REPEALED. L 1991, c 134, §3.
147-7 Inspection and classification of agricultural commodities; fees. - §147-7 Inspection and classification of agricultural commodities; fees. (a) The...
147-7.5 REPEALED. L 2003, c 49, §11. - §147-7.5 REPEALED. L 2003, c 49, §11.
147-8 Appeal for classification; fee. - §147-8 Appeal for classification; fee. Whenever any quantity of any...
147-9 Certificate as evidence. - §147-9 Certificate as evidence. Any certificate made by an inspector...
147-10 Income from certification and agriculture control activities. - §147-10 Income from certification and agriculture control activities. Except for...
147-21 Definitions. - Note Part heading amended by L 1983, c 257, §5;...
147-22 Rules. - §147-22 Rules. The department shall have the necessary powers to...
147-23 Prohibited acts. - §147-23 Prohibited acts. (a) No commercial exporter shall ship any...
147-24 Inspection. - §147-24 Inspection. The board of agriculture may designate any employee...
147-25 Duties of department; violations; proceedings; penalties. - §147-25 Duties of department; violations; proceedings; penalties. (a) The department...
147-31 Definitions. - §147-31 Definitions. For the purposes of this part, unless otherwise...
147-32 Rules and regulations. - §147-32 Rules and regulations. The department of agriculture shall have...
147-33 Prohibited acts. - §147-33 Prohibited acts. No commercial exporter shall ship any fresh...
147-34 Inspection; certification fees. - §147-34 Inspection; certification fees. The board of agriculture may designate...
147-35 REPEALED. - §147-35 REPEALED. L 1993, c 55, §1.
147-36 REPEALED. - §147-36 REPEALED. L 1991, c 74, §1.
147-37 Duties of department; violations; proceedings; penalties. - §147-37 Duties of department; violations; proceedings; penalties. (a) It shall...
147-51 Definitions. - §147-51 Definitions. For the purpose of this part, unless otherwise...
147-52 Grades, standards and classifications; changes. - §147-52 Grades, standards and classifications; changes. The standards for grading...
147-53 Department; grades, standards and classifications; factors. - §147-53 Department; grades, standards and classifications; factors. In establishing any...
147-54 Department, consideration of use. - §147-54 Department, consideration of use. The factors required to be...
147-55 Department, notice of hearing. - §147-55 Department, notice of hearing. In establishing and prescribing the...
147-56 Department, hearing, determination. - §147-56 Department, hearing, determination. After holding a public hearing upon...
147-57 Department, rules and regulations, contracts, cooperation, fees. - §147-57 Department, rules and regulations, contracts, cooperation, fees. The department...
147-58 Department; inspections, etc.; request necessary. - §147-58 Department; inspections, etc.; request necessary. The board of agriculture...
147-59 Continuous factory inspection; request necessary; labels or marks. - §147-59 Continuous factory inspection; request necessary; labels or marks. The...
147-60 Certificate, appeal to department. - §147-60 Certificate, appeal to department. Whenever any quantity of any...
147-61 Certificate, prima facie evidence. - §147-61 Certificate, prima facie evidence. A certificate, when not superseded...
147-62 Misrepresentation as to grade, etc., penalties. - §147-62 Misrepresentation as to grade, etc., penalties. (a) If any...
147-63 Remedies, extension of other powers. - §147-63 Remedies, extension of other powers. In respect of violations...
147-64 Deposit of moneys. - §147-64 Deposit of moneys. Except for fees collected by the...
147-71 Words and phrases defined. - §147-71 Words and phrases defined. Whenever used in this part,...
147-72 Sale of bad eggs. - §147-72 Sale of bad eggs. No person shall sell, or...
147-73 Enforcement. - §147-73 Enforcement. The department of agriculture is empowered through its...
147-74 Grading standards and regulations. - §147-74 Grading standards and regulations. Subject to chapter 91, the...
147-75 Notice of grade and size; designation of origin of imported eggs; violation. - §147-75 Notice of grade and size; designation of origin of...
147-76 Advertisement of eggs and price. - §147-76 Advertisement of eggs and price. It shall be unlawful...
147-77 Signs and labels on cartons, crates, etc. - §147-77 Signs and labels on cartons, crates, etc. The signs...
147-78 Seller's invoice. - §147-78 Seller's invoice. Every person, in selling eggs to a...
147-79 Penalties. - §147-79 Penalties. Every person who violates this part shall be...
147-80 Administrative penalties. - §147-80 Administrative penalties. The department of agriculture may, after notice...
147-81 Remedies and penalties not exclusive. - §147-81 Remedies and penalties not exclusive. The penalties and remedies...
147-91 Standard grades; rules and regulations. - §147-91 Standard grades; rules and regulations. The department of agriculture...
147-92 Federal standards. - §147-92 Federal standards. The department of agriculture may adopt the...
147-93 Cooperating with federal authority. - §147-93 Cooperating with federal authority. The department of agriculture may...
147-94 Grading voluntary. - §147-94 Grading voluntary. The grading of beef, pork, mutton, and...
147-95 Regulation of advertising. - §147-95 Regulation of advertising. The department of agriculture may regulate...
147-96 Public hearings. - §147-96 Public hearings. Before adopting any rules or regulations authorized...
147-97 Disposition of fees. - §147-97 Disposition of fees. All fees collected under this part...
147-101 Certification services revolving fund. - Note Part heading amended by L 2003, c 49, pt...
147-102 Certification and audit services. - §147-102 Certification and audit services. The department of agriculture shall...
147-111 Definitions. - §147-111 Definitions. As used in this part, unless the context...
147-112 Cooperative agreements and contracts to provide auditing and certification services. - §147-112 Cooperative agreements and contracts to provide auditing and certification...
147-113 Audits and certification; requests necessary. - §147-113 Audits and certification; requests necessary. The department may designate...
147-114 Fees and deposit of moneys. - §147-114 Fees and deposit of moneys. (a) The department shall...
147-115 Certificate as evidence. - §147-115 Certificate as evidence. A certificate issued under this part...
147-116 Hawaii good agricultural practices program. - §147-116 Hawaii good agricultural practices program. (a) There is established...
147-121 Official certifying agency. - §147-121 Official certifying agency. The department is designated as the...
147-122 Definitions. - §147-122 Definitions. As used in this part, unless the context...
147-123 Cooperative agreements and contracts to provide agricultural crop certification services. - §147-123 Cooperative agreements and contracts to provide agricultural crop certification...
147-124 Certification; requests necessary. - §147-124 Certification; requests necessary. The department may designate any employee...
147-125 Rules. - §147-125 Rules. The department shall have the necessary powers to...
147-126 Fees and deposit of moneys. - §147-126 Fees and deposit of moneys. (a) The department shall...
147-127 Certificate as evidence. - §147-127 Certificate as evidence. A certificate issued under this part...