Hawaii Revised Statutes
147. Grades and Standards
147-74 Grading standards and regulations.

§147-74 Grading standards and regulations. Subject to chapter 91, the department of agriculture may make rules with respect to:
(1) Sale and transportation for sale of eggs for human consumption;
(2) Specific grades or standards of quality, condition and size or weight classes which shall conform when practical to those established by the United States Department of Agriculture as local conditions will permit;
(3) Inspection and classification;
(4) Assessment and collection of fees for requested certification as to grade, standard of quality, condition, and size or weight classes;
(5) Labeling of containers of imported and locally produced eggs and marking of individual imported eggs as to origin;
(6) Seller's invoice for sale of eggs;
(7) Records of imported shell eggs of foreign origin;
(8) Methods of determining egg quality, which shall not include recandling or any other method applied to eggs in interstate commerce which is discriminatory or impairs that commerce in any way or requires a cost increase of eggs in interstate commerce;
(9) Enforcement of this part and of the rules adopted under this part. [L 1931, c 70, §4; RL 1935, §1076; RL 1945, §1307; am L 1955, c 167, §1; RL 1955, §22-73; am L 1959, c 54, §1; am L Sp 1959 2d, c 1, §22; am L 1961, c 103 and c 132, §2; HRS §147-74; am L 1972, c 67, §1 and c 147, §2; am L 1983, c 177, §2]
Case Notes
Cited: 41 H. 565, 566.

Structure Hawaii Revised Statutes

Hawaii Revised Statutes

Title 11. Agriculture and Animals

147. Grades and Standards

147-1 Definitions.

147-2 Duties of department; violations; proceedings; penalties.


147-4 Rules.

147-5 Prohibition of deceptive packing.


147-7 Inspection and classification of agricultural commodities; fees.

147-7.5 REPEALED. L 2003, c 49, §11.

147-8 Appeal for classification; fee.

147-9 Certificate as evidence.

147-10 Income from certification and agriculture control activities.

147-21 Definitions.

147-22 Rules.

147-23 Prohibited acts.

147-24 Inspection.

147-25 Duties of department; violations; proceedings; penalties.

147-31 Definitions.

147-32 Rules and regulations.

147-33 Prohibited acts.

147-34 Inspection; certification fees.

147-35 REPEALED.

147-36 REPEALED.

147-37 Duties of department; violations; proceedings; penalties.

147-51 Definitions.

147-52 Grades, standards and classifications; changes.

147-53 Department; grades, standards and classifications; factors.

147-54 Department, consideration of use.

147-55 Department, notice of hearing.

147-56 Department, hearing, determination.

147-57 Department, rules and regulations, contracts, cooperation, fees.

147-58 Department; inspections, etc.; request necessary.

147-59 Continuous factory inspection; request necessary; labels or marks.

147-60 Certificate, appeal to department.

147-61 Certificate, prima facie evidence.

147-62 Misrepresentation as to grade, etc., penalties.

147-63 Remedies, extension of other powers.

147-64 Deposit of moneys.

147-71 Words and phrases defined.

147-72 Sale of bad eggs.

147-73 Enforcement.

147-74 Grading standards and regulations.

147-75 Notice of grade and size; designation of origin of imported eggs; violation.

147-76 Advertisement of eggs and price.

147-77 Signs and labels on cartons, crates, etc.

147-78 Seller's invoice.

147-79 Penalties.

147-80 Administrative penalties.

147-81 Remedies and penalties not exclusive.

147-91 Standard grades; rules and regulations.

147-92 Federal standards.

147-93 Cooperating with federal authority.

147-94 Grading voluntary.

147-95 Regulation of advertising.

147-96 Public hearings.

147-97 Disposition of fees.

147-101 Certification services revolving fund.

147-102 Certification and audit services.

147-111 Definitions.

147-112 Cooperative agreements and contracts to provide auditing and certification services.

147-113 Audits and certification; requests necessary.

147-114 Fees and deposit of moneys.

147-115 Certificate as evidence.

147-116 Hawaii good agricultural practices program.

147-121 Official certifying agency.

147-122 Definitions.

147-123 Cooperative agreements and contracts to provide agricultural crop certification services.

147-124 Certification; requests necessary.

147-125 Rules.

147-126 Fees and deposit of moneys.

147-127 Certificate as evidence.