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146-1 to 14 REPEALED. - Cross References Slaughter regulations, see chapter 159. § §146-1 to...
146-21 Retention of the hide of butchered calf, heifer, cow, steer, and bull; subject to public inspection. - §146-21 Retention of the hide of butchered calf, heifer, cow,...
146-22 Reports. - §146-22 Reports. Every person who slaughters a calf, heifer, cow,...
146-23 Duty of vendor of butchered beef to disclose identity of person from whom obtained. - §146-23 Duty of vendor of butchered beef to disclose identity...
146-24 Violations; penalty. - §146-24 Violations; penalty. A violation of section 146-21, 146-22, or...