Hawaii Revised Statutes
844D. Forensic Identification
844D-123 Order for post-conviction DNA testing.

§844D-123 Order for post-conviction DNA testing. (a) The court shall order testing after a hearing if it finds that:
(1) A reasonable probability exists that the defendant would not have been prosecuted or convicted if exculpatory results had been obtained through DNA analysis, even if the defendant later pled guilty or no contest;
(2) Identity was or should have been an issue in the proceeding that led to the verdict or sentence;
(3) The evidence sought to be analyzed has been identified with particularity and still exists in a condition that permits DNA analysis; provided that questions as to the chain of custody of the evidence shall not constitute grounds to deny the motion if the testing itself can establish the integrity of the evidence;
(4) The evidence was not previously subjected to DNA analysis or was not subjected to analysis that can now resolve an issue not resolved by previous analysis; and
(5) The application for testing is made for the purpose of demonstrating innocence and not to unreasonably delay the execution of sentence or administration of justice.
(b) The court may order testing after a hearing if it finds that:
(1) A reasonable probability exists that DNA analysis of the evidence will produce results that would have led to a more favorable verdict or sentence for the defendant had the results been available at the proceeding leading to the verdict or sentence, even if the defendant pled guilty or no contest;
(2) The evidence sought to be analyzed has been identified with particularity and still exists in a condition that permits DNA analysis; provided that questions as to the chain of custody of the evidence shall not constitute grounds to deny the motion if the testing itself can establish the integrity of the evidence;
(3) The evidence was not previously subjected to DNA testing or was not subject to testing that can now resolve an issue not resolved by previous testing; and
(4) The application for testing is made for the purpose of demonstrating that the defendant was guilty of a lesser offense or eligible for a more lenient sentence and not to unreasonably delay the execution of sentence or administration of justice.
(c) If evidence had previously been subjected to DNA analysis, by either the prosecution or defense, the court may order the prosecution or defense to provide each party and the court with access to the laboratory reports prepared in connection with the DNA analysis, as well as the underlying data and laboratory notes. If DNA or other analysis of evidence was previously conducted by either the prosecution or defense without knowledge of the other party, all information relating to the testing shall be disclosed by the motion for analysis or response. If the court orders DNA analysis under this section, the court shall order the production to each party and the court of any laboratory reports prepared in connection with the DNA analysis and, in its discretion, may order production of the underlying data and laboratory notes. [L 2005, c 112, pt of §1]

Structure Hawaii Revised Statutes

Hawaii Revised Statutes

Title 38. Procedural and Supplementary Provisions

844D. Forensic Identification

844D-1 Definitions.

844D-2 Administration.

844D-21 Collection of specimens, samples, and print impressions at correctional facility or other detention facility.

844D-22 Analysis and examination of specimens for identification purposes.

844D-23 Repository of samples and records

844D-24 Sexual assault evidence; reporting.

844D-31 Offenders subject to collection.

844D-32 Application to all qualifying persons.

844D-33 Notification by prosecutor and inquiry by court.

844D-34 Collection from persons confined or in custody after conviction or adjudication.

844D-35 Collection from persons on probation, parole, or other release.

844D-36 Collection from parole violators and others returned to custody.

844D-37 Collection from persons accepted into Hawaii from other jurisdictions.

844D-38 Collection of replacement specimen found spoiled or unusable.

844D-39 Collection of specimen from sex offense registrants.

844D-40 Collection of specimens from persons required to register under chapter 846E who have not yet provided samples.

844D-41 Retroactive application.

844D-51 Analysis of crime scene samples.

844D-52 Anonymous analysis of specimens and samples.

844D-53 Analysis of forensic identification profiles.

844D-54 Laboratories contributing DNA profiles to be accredited.

844D-55 Other law enforcement DNA laboratories.

844D-56 Limitations not cause for dismissal.

844D-57 No invalidation based on erroneous placement or retention of specimens, samples, or print impressions.

844D-61 Blood specimens, buccal swab samples, and print impressions shall be forwarded promptly to the department.

844D-62 Procedures for the collection and forwarding of samples.

844D-63 Limitations on civil and criminal liability.

844D-64 Processing of offender specimens.

844D-71 Expungement of DNA information from state DNA database and data bank identification program

844D-72 Destruction of samples and expungement of searchable DNA database profile.

844D-73 No authorization to relieve a person of administrative duty to provide specimens, samples, or print impressions.

844D-74 Not a basis for invalidation of identification or suppression of identification evidence.

844D-81 Exemption of specimen from disclosure.

844D-82 Confidentiality

844D-83 Knowing use or disclosure by department employee of forensic identification information for other than criminal identification or exclusion purposes.

844D-84 When disclosure is not a violation.

844D-85 Confidentiality of computer software and database structures.

844D-91 Department permitted to share data, information, and samples.

844D-92 Local DNA laboratories.

844D-93 Disposal of unused and expired specimens.

844D-101 Law enforcement officer powers under other laws not affected.

844D-102 Authority under other laws not affected.

844D-111 Refusal or failure to provide specimen for forensic identification.

844D-112 Fraudulent use or manipulation of biometric sample or information.

844D-113 Unauthorized disclosure of DNA sample or profile.

844D-114 Use of DNA sample or profile for financial gain.

844D-121 Petition for post-conviction DNA testing.

844D-122 Proceedings.

844D-123 Order for post-conviction DNA testing.

844D-124 Counsel.

844D-125 Discovery.

844D-126 Retention of biological evidence.

844D-127 Choice of laboratory.

844D-128 Payment.

844D-129 Appeal.

844D-130 Successive motions.

844D-131 Additional orders.

844D-132 Procedure after testing results are obtained.

844D-133 Consent.