Hawaii Revised Statutes
844D. Forensic Identification
844D-121 Petition for post-conviction DNA testing.

§844D-121 Petition for post-conviction DNA testing. Notwithstanding any other law or rule of court governing post-conviction relief to the contrary, a person who was convicted of and sentenced for a crime, or acquitted of a crime on the ground of physical or mental disease, disorder, or defect excluding responsibility, may file a motion, at any time, for DNA analysis of any evidence that:
(1) Is in the custody or control of a police department, prosecuting attorney, laboratory, or court;
(2) Is related to the investigation or prosecution that resulted in the judgment of conviction or of acquittal of a crime on the ground of physical or mental disease, disorder, or defect excluding responsibility; and
(3) May contain biological evidence. [L 2005, c 112, pt of §1; am L 2006, c 144, §4]

Structure Hawaii Revised Statutes

Hawaii Revised Statutes

Title 38. Procedural and Supplementary Provisions

844D. Forensic Identification

844D-1 Definitions.

844D-2 Administration.

844D-21 Collection of specimens, samples, and print impressions at correctional facility or other detention facility.

844D-22 Analysis and examination of specimens for identification purposes.

844D-23 Repository of samples and records

844D-24 Sexual assault evidence; reporting.

844D-31 Offenders subject to collection.

844D-32 Application to all qualifying persons.

844D-33 Notification by prosecutor and inquiry by court.

844D-34 Collection from persons confined or in custody after conviction or adjudication.

844D-35 Collection from persons on probation, parole, or other release.

844D-36 Collection from parole violators and others returned to custody.

844D-37 Collection from persons accepted into Hawaii from other jurisdictions.

844D-38 Collection of replacement specimen found spoiled or unusable.

844D-39 Collection of specimen from sex offense registrants.

844D-40 Collection of specimens from persons required to register under chapter 846E who have not yet provided samples.

844D-41 Retroactive application.

844D-51 Analysis of crime scene samples.

844D-52 Anonymous analysis of specimens and samples.

844D-53 Analysis of forensic identification profiles.

844D-54 Laboratories contributing DNA profiles to be accredited.

844D-55 Other law enforcement DNA laboratories.

844D-56 Limitations not cause for dismissal.

844D-57 No invalidation based on erroneous placement or retention of specimens, samples, or print impressions.

844D-61 Blood specimens, buccal swab samples, and print impressions shall be forwarded promptly to the department.

844D-62 Procedures for the collection and forwarding of samples.

844D-63 Limitations on civil and criminal liability.

844D-64 Processing of offender specimens.

844D-71 Expungement of DNA information from state DNA database and data bank identification program

844D-72 Destruction of samples and expungement of searchable DNA database profile.

844D-73 No authorization to relieve a person of administrative duty to provide specimens, samples, or print impressions.

844D-74 Not a basis for invalidation of identification or suppression of identification evidence.

844D-81 Exemption of specimen from disclosure.

844D-82 Confidentiality

844D-83 Knowing use or disclosure by department employee of forensic identification information for other than criminal identification or exclusion purposes.

844D-84 When disclosure is not a violation.

844D-85 Confidentiality of computer software and database structures.

844D-91 Department permitted to share data, information, and samples.

844D-92 Local DNA laboratories.

844D-93 Disposal of unused and expired specimens.

844D-101 Law enforcement officer powers under other laws not affected.

844D-102 Authority under other laws not affected.

844D-111 Refusal or failure to provide specimen for forensic identification.

844D-112 Fraudulent use or manipulation of biometric sample or information.

844D-113 Unauthorized disclosure of DNA sample or profile.

844D-114 Use of DNA sample or profile for financial gain.

844D-121 Petition for post-conviction DNA testing.

844D-122 Proceedings.

844D-123 Order for post-conviction DNA testing.

844D-124 Counsel.

844D-125 Discovery.

844D-126 Retention of biological evidence.

844D-127 Choice of laboratory.

844D-128 Payment.

844D-129 Appeal.

844D-130 Successive motions.

844D-131 Additional orders.

844D-132 Procedure after testing results are obtained.

844D-133 Consent.