Hawaii Revised Statutes
6E. Historic Preservation
6E-31 Monuments; reservation of land; relinquishment of private claims.

§6E-31 Monuments; reservation of land; relinquishment of private claims. Upon the recommendation of the department, the governor may declare by public proclamation historic landmarks, historic and prehistoric structures, and other objects of historic or scientific interest that are situated upon the lands owned or controlled by the State to be state monuments and may reserve as a part thereof parcels of land the limits of which in all cases shall be confined to the smallest area compatible with the proper care and management of the objects to be protected. When such objects are situated upon a tract covered by a bona fide unperfected claim or held in private ownership, the tract, or so much thereof as may be necessary for the proper care and management of the object, may be relinquished to the State, and the governor may accept the relinquishment of such tracts in behalf of the State. [L 1976, c 104, pt of §2]

Structure Hawaii Revised Statutes

Hawaii Revised Statutes

Title 1. General Provisions

6E. Historic Preservation

6E-1 Declaration of intent.

6E-2 Definitions.

6E-3 Historic preservation program.

6E-3.5 Consultation.

6E-4 Administration.

6E-5 State historic preservation officer.

6E-5.5 The Hawaii historic places review board; creation; powers; appointments; composition.

6E-6 Depositories for certain specimens and objects.

6E-7 State title to historic property.

6E-8 Review of effect of proposed state projects.

6E-9 Investigation, recording, preservation, and salvage; appropriations.

6E-10 Privately owned historic property.

6E-10.5 Enforcement.

6E-11 Civil and administrative violations.

6E-11.5 Civil penalties.

6E-11.6 Administrative penalties.

6E-12 Reproductions, forgeries, and illegal sales.

6E-13 Injunctive relief.

6E-14 Preservation activities by political subdivisions.

6E-15 Regulations, special conditions or restrictions.

6E-16 Hawaii historic preservation special fund.

6E-17 Archaeological data survey database.

6E-31 Monuments; reservation of land; relinquishment of private claims.

6E-32 Diamond Head State Monument.

6E-32.5 Mount Olomana state monument.


6E-34 Capitol site.


6E-35 Iolani Palace.

6E-36 Sand Island.

6E-37 National statuary hall; Father Damien.

6E-38 National statuary hall; King Kamehameha I.

6E-38.5 Kohala Historical Sites State Monument. (a) There shall be a Kohala Historical Sites State Monument as an historical site on the island of Hawaii that shall include a cluster of historical sites, including the Mo €˜okini Heiau, the Kamehameha...

6E-39 Jurisdiction over World War II memorial.

6E-40 Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum.

6E-41 Cemeteries; removal or redesignation.

6E-42 Review of proposed projects.

6E-42.2 Excluded activities for privately-owned single-family detached dwelling units and townhouses.

6E-43 Prehistoric and historic burial sites.

6E-43.5 Island burial councils; creation; appointment; composition; duties.

6E-43.6 Inadvertent discovery of burial sites. (a) In the event human skeletal remains are inadvertently discovered, any activity in the immediate area that could damage the remains or the potential historic site shall cease until the requirements of...

6E-44 Veterans memorial commission.

6E-45 Korean and Vietnam memorial.

6E-46 Hawaii Sports Hall of Fame.

6E-47 Pearl Harbor historic trail.

6E-51 Department of land and natural resources; powers.

6E-52 Transfer of lands.

6E-61 Biological survey; designation.

6E-71 Taking, appropriation, excavation, injury, destruction, or alteration of historic property or aviation artifact; penalty.

6E-72 Taking, appropriation, excavation, injury, destruction, or alteration of a burial site; penalty.

6E-73 Failure to stop work upon discovery of a burial site; penalty.

6E-74 Criminal penalties not in lieu of civil or administrative penalties.

6E-75 Part not applicable to family burial plots.

6E-81 South Kona wilderness area; establishment.

6E-82 Lands included.

6E-83 Government-owned land; construction prohibited.