Hawaii Revised Statutes
501. Land Court Registration
501-85 Substitution, one certificate for several, several for one; subdivisions, maps.

§501-85 Substitution, one certificate for several, several for one; subdivisions, maps. A registered owner of several distinct parcels of land covered by one certificate of title may, with the approval of the court, have that certificate of title canceled and separate certificates entered for portions thereof. A registered owner of two or more distinct parcels of land, which are contiguous, or which are so adjacent (although separated by a roadway or stream or other strip of land) as to form one lot of land for practical use, may with like approval and by a decree of the court, have that certificate canceled and a single original certificate for the whole, or separate certificates for subdivisions thereof, entered in place of the canceled certificates; provided that if any person or persons other than the registered owner appear to have an interest in any part of the premises proposed to be consolidated, or in any intervening roadway, stream, or strip of land as aforesaid, the court shall not entertain the application for consolidation unless the other person or persons join with the owner in the application, signing and acknowledging the same in the same manner as provided for original applications, or unless the person or persons if not joining in the application have been given notice thereof and an opportunity to be heard as shall be ordered by the court.
Any owner proposing to combine two or more parcels of land, or to subdivide any registered land, shall file with the court an application therefor, together with a map or plan showing the proposed combination or subdivision and accurately delineating thereon all boundaries, streets, passageways, and other easements connected therewith. The court, before approving the same, and authorizing the issuance of any new certificate or certificates thereon, shall cause the same to be verified by the department of accounting and general services and be satisfied that the same are accurately represented, and that the applicant has complied with the laws and regulations covering subdivisions in the county concerned, applicable thereto. [L 1903, c 56, §44; am L 1923, c 196, §1; RL 1925, §3234; RL 1935, §5044; am L 1939, c 242, §10; RL 1945, §12644; am L 1949, c 222, §13; am L 1951, c 271, §3; RL 1955, §342-45; am L Sp 1959 2d, c 1, §12; HRS §501-85; am L 1972, c 91, §1(s); am L 1988, c 346, §5]
Rules of Court
Subdivisions, see RLC rule 15; consolidations, see RLC rule 27; maps, see RLC rules 104, 106.
Case Notes
Easements of ingress and egress, creation of by subdivision map filed in land court. 34 H. 881 (1939); 39 H. 608 (1952). See 37 H. 270 (1945). Dedication of streets, 39 H. 514 (1952).
Whenever and however court is notified that any person other than registered owner has any interest in the premises sought to be consolidated, court cannot proceed unless such person joins in the petition or is given an opportunity to be heard. 54 H. 276, 506 P.2d 1 (1973).
Where State objected to highwater mark shown on map of lands sought to be consolidated, State should have been granted standing as party. 54 H. 276, 506 P.2d 1 (1973).
Land court acted prematurely by approving consolidation and resubdivision before county laws were complied with. 66 H. 354, 662 P.2d 206 (1983).

Structure Hawaii Revised Statutes

Hawaii Revised Statutes

Title 28. Property

501. Land Court Registration

501-1 Court; jurisdiction; proceedings; location; rules, practice, etc.

501-2 Judges; assignment of cases.

501-3 Sessions.

501-4 Process.


501-6 Registrar and assistants; appointment, tenure, powers, and duties.

501-7 Registrar; powers, duties.

501-8 Registrar may act in any circuit.

501-9 Assistant registrars; powers.

501-10 Registrar and assistants; oath, accounts, absence.

501-11 Examiners of title; appointment, removal.

501-12 Salaries and expenses.

501-13 Validity of facsimile signature.

501-20 Definitions.

501-20.5 Rules.

501-21 Registration application; by whom made.

501-22 Filing; memorandum to be recorded.

501-23 Application, form, and contents.

501-23.5 Disposition of fees received at the bureau of conveyances.

501-24 Agent for nonresident.

501-25 Application may include several parcels.

501-26 Amendments to application.

501-27 Land bounded on way.

501-28 Plans and muniments.

501-29 Land subject to mortgage or lease.

501-30 Additional facts.

501-31 Transfers pending application; temporary record; final record.

501-32 Reference to examiner; report; election to proceed.

501-33 Accretion to land.

501-41 Notice of application.

501-42 Service; return day; further notice.

501-43 Guardian ad litem; compensation.

501-44 Contests not otherwise represented; duty of attorney general; res adjudicata when.

501-45 Answer intervention; surveyor to be heard when.

501-46 Default; effect.

501-51 Reference to other judges or to master; maps, reference; subdivision; costs; etc.

501-52 Powers of the court.

501-53 Dismissal; effect; withdrawal, conditions.

501-61, 501-62 REPEALED.

501-63 REPEALED.

501-64 Enforcement of decrees; bailiff.

501-71 Decree of registration; conditional when; quieting title, exceptions; reopened when.

501-72 Types of nonabsolute title.

501-73 Removing clouds on title.

501-74 Decree, contents of.

501-75 Transcription of decree in registry; certificate of title.

501-81 Legal incidents of registered land.

501-82 Tenure of holder of certificate of title.

501-83 Certificate effective from transcription.

501-83.5 Outstanding owner's duplicate certificates.

501-84 Certificates, when two or more owners.

501-85 Substitution, one certificate for several, several for one; subdivisions, maps.

501-86 Registration runs with land.

501-87 No adverse possession or prescription.

501-88 Certificate as evidence.

501-89 Indexes, record books, etc.

501-101 Voluntary dealing with registered lands.

501-101.5 Agreements of sale; priority.

501-102 Filing liens, etc., notice.

501-103 Conveyances of less than fee simple.

501-104 Reference of doubtful questions.

501-105 Grantee's address, etc., to be stated.

501-106 Entry of new certificate.

501-107 Entry record; duplicates and certified copies.

501-108 Conveyance of fee; procedure.

501-109 Portion of registered fee.

501-110 Statement of encumbrances.

501-116 Mortgage registration necessary.

501-117 Procedure.

501-118 Foreclosure.

501-121 Leases; registration required.

501-131 Transfer in trust; procedure.

501-132 Powers to be noted on certificate; construction for court.

501-133 New trustee.

501-134 Trusts, implied or constructive.

501-135 Application by trustee.

501-136 Attachment and other liens; filing or recording of.

501-137 REPEALED.

501-138 Discharge or modification of liens to be recorded.

501-139 Assistant registrar as official recorder.

501-140 Indorsement of and notices to plaintiff's attorney.

501-141 Court orders to be recorded.

501-142 Mechanic's lien.

501-143 Enforcement of lien.

501-144 New certificate after enforcement of lien; tax sale.

501-151 Pending actions, judgments; recording of, notice.

501-152 Certificate of judgment for defendant.

501-153 Certificate of judgment for plaintiff.

501-154 Writ of possession, service, time limit for registration.

501-155 Judgment directing conveyance.

501-156 Partition.

501-157 Reregistration of mortgage or lease after partition.

501-158 Notice of bankruptcy proceedings.

501-159 Decree of discharge.

501-166 Eminent domain; recording procedure.

501-167 New certificate upon reverter of land.

501-171 Registration upon transfer by descent and devise.

501-172 License to sell or mortgage, not affected.

501-173 Purchaser acquiring title through personal representative may have the same registered.

501-174 Power of attorney; registration necessary.

501-181 REPEALED.

501-186 Registration of adverse claims; notice; hearing; costs.

501-191 REPEALED.

501-196 Alterations upon registration book prohibited when; court hearings; limitations.

501-201 Service of notice after registration; how made; effect.

501-211 Fees required for protection against loss or damage.

501-212 Actions for compensation for fraud, mistake, etc.

501-213 Action, parties defendant.

501-214 Judgments, how satisfied.

501-215 Subrogation in favor of State.

501-216 State, not liable when.

501-217 Limitation of actions.

501-218 Schedule of fees; authority to amend.

501-219 Sale of land court maps.

501-221 REPEALED.

501-231 Family child care homes; permitted use in residential areas.

501-232 Prohibition of transfer fees.

501-241 Leasehold time share interests.

501-242 Status of leasehold time share interest as real property.

501-243 Dual recording involving leasehold time share interests.

501-244 Assignment of leasehold time share interest.

501-245 Reference to recorded instruments pertaining to leasehold time share interests.

501-246 Legal incidents of a leasehold time share interest.

501-247 Voluntary dealing with a leasehold time share interest.

501-248 Jurisdiction for matters pertaining to leasehold time share interests.

501-261 Deregistration of fee time share interests.

501-261.5 Deregistration of registered land other than fee time share interests.

501-262 Effect of deregistration.

501-263 Effect of deregistration in specific cases.

501-264 Chain of title of deregistered land.

501-265 Status of fee time share interest and other interest in deregistered land as real property.

501-266 Dual recording involving deregistered land.

501-267 Reference to prior recorded instrument.

501-268 Legal incidents of deregistered land.

501-269 Jurisdiction for matters pertaining to deregistered land.