Hawaii Revised Statutes
465. Psychologists
465-6 Powers and duties.

§465-6 Powers and duties. In addition to any other powers and duties authorized by law, the board shall:
(1) Examine the qualifications of applicants for licensing under this chapter to determine their eligibility for licensing as psychologists;
(2) Administer and grade examinations for applicants as may be required for the purposes of this chapter. The board shall determine the examinations and the score that shall be deemed a passing score. Examinations shall be scheduled at least once annually;
(3) Keep a record of action taken on all applicants for licensing; the names of all persons licensed; petitions for temporary permits; actions involving suspension, revocation, or denial of licenses; decisions on waiver of examination in whole or in part and receipt and disbursal of any moneys; and
(4) Adopt, amend, and repeal pursuant to chapter 91, rules as it deems proper for the purposes of this chapter. [L 1967, c 290, pt of §1; HRS §465-6; am L 1971, c 84, §4; am L 1983, c 136, §3; am L 1985, c 115, §8; am L 1987, c 72, §2; am L 1992, c 202, §159; am L 1997, c 37, §1]