Hawaii Revised Statutes
465. Psychologists
465-11 Renewals; continuing education requirement.

§465-11 Renewals; continuing education requirement. (a) Every license issued under this chapter shall be renewed biennially on or before June 30 of each even-numbered year. Failure to renew a license shall result in forfeiture of the license; provided that a psychologist whose license has been forfeited for one year or less for failure to renew may restore the license by payment of the renewal fee and, in the case of a psychologist who is audited, pursuant to subsection (g), submission of documentation of continuing education compliance, for the biennium in which the failure occurred. If licensing has lapsed for more than one year, the person may reapply for a license in the manner prescribed in this chapter.
(b) A psychologist in good standing who will not be practicing in the State for at least one year may petition the board to have the psychologist's license placed on inactive status without penalty. When the psychologist wishes to return to practice, an application shall be made to the board for reactivation upon payment of the license fee for the biennial period and subject to the board's review of the application as provided in its rules.
(c) Beginning with the July 1, 2016, through June 30, 2018, biennium period and prior to every biennial renewal thereafter, each licensee shall:
(1) Pay all required fees; and
(2) Complete a minimum of eighteen credit hours of continuing education within every licensing biennium.
(d) First-time licensees shall not be subject to the continuing education requirement established under subsection (c)(2) for the first license renewal.
(e) Each licensee shall be responsible for maintaining the licensee's continuing education records. At the time of renewal, each licensee shall certify under oath that the licensee has complied with the continuing education requirement of this section. The board may require a licensee to submit evidence satisfactory to the board that demonstrates compliance with the continuing education requirement.
(f) Any licensee seeking renewal of a license without full compliance with the continuing education requirement shall submit with the renewal application the required fee, a notarized affidavit setting forth the facts explaining the reasons for noncompliance, and a request for an extension on the basis of the facts; provided that the licensee shall complete at least thirty-six hours of continuing education for the next licensing biennium. The board shall consider each case on an individual basis and may grant an extension based on:
(1) Practice in an isolated geographical area with an absence of opportunities for continuing education by taped programs or otherwise; or
(2) Inability to devote sufficient hours to continuing education because of incapacity, undue hardship, or any other serious extenuating circumstances.
(g) The board may conduct random audits of licensees to determine compliance with the continuing education requirement. The board shall provide written notice of an audit to a licensee randomly selected for audit. Within sixty days of notification, the licensee shall provide the board with documentation verifying compliance with the continuing education requirement established by this section. [L 1967, c 290, pt of §1; HRS §465-11; am L 1975, c 118, §29(2); am L 1983, c 95, §5; am L 1987, c 72, §4; am L 2014, c 187, §3]