Hawaii Revised Statutes
448. Dentistry
448-9 Application for licensure.

§448-9 Application for licensure. Any person of eighteen years or more shall be eligible for licensure upon submission of:
(1) An application to the executive officer of the board not later than forty-five days prior to the date of the scheduled examination;
(2) Application and examination fees; and
(3) Documentation and credentials that shall include but are not limited to the following:
(A) A diploma or certificate of graduation from a dental college accredited by the American Dental Association Commission on Dental Accreditation, recognized and approved by the board; and
(B) A certificate or other evidence satisfactory to the board of having passed parts I and II of the National Board Dental Examination. [L 1949, c 177, pt of §1; am L 1955, c 170, §3(a), (b); RL 1955, §61-9; am L Sp 1959 2d, c 1, § §14, 15; am L 1961, c 142, §3(b) and c 184, §8(b); am L 1963, c 114, § §1, 3; HRS §448-9; am L 1972, c 2, §19 and c 55, §1; am L 1980, c 251, §2; am L 1982, c 64, §3; am L 1983, c 220, §4; am L 1984, c 7, §26; am L 1992, c 202, §74; am L 1994, c 124, §4; am L 2004, c 69, §2 and c 166, § §4, 7; am L 2005, c 121, §1; am L 2006, c 31, §2]
Case Notes
Cited: 29 H. 422, 423 (1926).

Structure Hawaii Revised Statutes

Hawaii Revised Statutes

Title 25. Professions and Occupations

448. Dentistry

448-1 Dentistry defined; exempted practices.

448-1.5 Lead apron during x-ray; required.

448-2 Practice without license prohibited.

448-3 Practice by unlicensed employee prohibited; penalty.

448-4 Fraudulent advertising.

448-5 Board of dentistry; appointment.

448-6 Powers and duties, meetings.

448-7 Fees.


448-8.5 Continuing education requirements.

448-9 Application for licensure.

448-9.4 American Board of Dental Examiners (ADEX) examination; regional examinations.

448-9.5 REPEALED.

448-9.6 Community service license.

448-10 REPEALED.

448-11 Investigations and hearings.

448-12 Temporary license.

448-13 Certificate, evidence.

448-14 REPEALED.

448-14.5 Prohibition on ownership and interference.

448-15 No corporation to practice dentistry; penalty.

448-16 Duty to furnish names, etc.

448-16.5 Board of dentistry; summary suspension.

448-17 Refusal, revocation, suspension, and administrative penalties.

448-18 Hearings.

448-19 Using assumed name or degree prohibited.

448-20 Practicing for advertising purposes, penalty.

448-21 Criminal penalties.

448-22 Prosecuting officers, duty.

448-23 Filing of false information; revocation of license.

448-24 Remedies or penalties cumulative.

448-26 Discipline based on action taken by another state or federal agency; conditions; prohibition on practice.

448-28 Notice to consumers.

448-29 Administration of general anesthesia and sedation; requirements.

448-30 Inspection of facilities, equipment, and personnel.