Hawaii Revised Statutes
448. Dentistry
448-30 Inspection of facilities, equipment, and personnel.

§448-30 Inspection of facilities, equipment, and personnel. (a) Prior to the issuance or renewal of a written authorization or permit pursuant to section 448-29, the board shall, in addition to other requirements established by statute or administrative rule, require an on-site inspection of the facility, equipment, and personnel to determine whether the facility and staff requirements pursuant to section 448-29(d) have been met. The inspection to determine whether the facility is adequate and properly equipped may be carried out in a manner that generally follows the guidelines, standards, requirements, and basic principles as described in the most current edition of the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons' Office Anesthesia Evaluation Manual. The inspection and evaluation shall be carried out by a team of consultants appointed by the board.
(b) Written authorizations and permits subject to section 448-29 shall be issued only to those applicants whose facilities, equipment, and personnel have been deemed adequate pursuant to this section. [L 2017, c 106, pt of §2]

Structure Hawaii Revised Statutes

Hawaii Revised Statutes

Title 25. Professions and Occupations

448. Dentistry

448-1 Dentistry defined; exempted practices.

448-1.5 Lead apron during x-ray; required.

448-2 Practice without license prohibited.

448-3 Practice by unlicensed employee prohibited; penalty.

448-4 Fraudulent advertising.

448-5 Board of dentistry; appointment.

448-6 Powers and duties, meetings.

448-7 Fees.


448-8.5 Continuing education requirements.

448-9 Application for licensure.

448-9.4 American Board of Dental Examiners (ADEX) examination; regional examinations.

448-9.5 REPEALED.

448-9.6 Community service license.

448-10 REPEALED.

448-11 Investigations and hearings.

448-12 Temporary license.

448-13 Certificate, evidence.

448-14 REPEALED.

448-14.5 Prohibition on ownership and interference.

448-15 No corporation to practice dentistry; penalty.

448-16 Duty to furnish names, etc.

448-16.5 Board of dentistry; summary suspension.

448-17 Refusal, revocation, suspension, and administrative penalties.

448-18 Hearings.

448-19 Using assumed name or degree prohibited.

448-20 Practicing for advertising purposes, penalty.

448-21 Criminal penalties.

448-22 Prosecuting officers, duty.

448-23 Filing of false information; revocation of license.

448-24 Remedies or penalties cumulative.

448-26 Discipline based on action taken by another state or federal agency; conditions; prohibition on practice.

448-28 Notice to consumers.

448-29 Administration of general anesthesia and sedation; requirements.

448-30 Inspection of facilities, equipment, and personnel.