Hawaii Revised Statutes
39. State Bonds
39-94 Arrangement of statements and schedules and forms; incorporation.

§39-94 Arrangement of statements and schedules and forms; incorporation. In preparing the statements and supporting schedules required by this part, the director of finance may arrange, group, and set forth such information and figures in such manner as the director deems necessary or advisable. Such information and figures need not be set out or arranged in the same order as is set forth in this part, so long as the information and figures required by this part are set forth.
All findings certified to in accordance with this part shall be deemed to be incorporated into subsequent statements and supporting schedules to the extent relevant thereto. Such findings need not be made again in any subsequent statement or supporting schedule, nor need the legal and financial basis for such findings be set forth again.
The state highway system established in part III of chapter 264 shall be deemed to be a public system that produces revenues and user tax receipts. All liquid fuel taxes as defined in section 243-1, other than taxes on aviation fuel as defined in that section, and all vehicle weight taxes as defined in section 249-33 which are paid into the state highway fund created by section 248-8 and which are not required by sections 243-6 and 248-9 to be paid to the counties shall be deemed to be user taxes derived in the utilization of the functions and services furnished by the state highway system.
Amounts received from the federal government for the payment or reimbursement of costs of operation, maintenance, and repair of a public undertaking, improvement, or system or for the payment of the principal and interest of bonds issued for such public undertaking, improvement, or system, and for the payment or reimbursement of costs of administering, operating, and maintaining a loan program or for the payment of subsidies for a loan program, may be considered and treated as revenues of such undertaking, improvement, system, or loan program. If such amounts are deposited in the general fund immediately upon their receipt by the State, such amounts shall be deducted from the general fund revenues when determining the net general fund revenues for the purposes of this part, to the extent such amounts are utilized to justify or support a determination that bonds of the State may be excluded when determining the total outstanding indebtedness of the State for the purposes of section 13 of Article VII of the Constitution.
The director of finance may compose and adopt and have printed or otherwise reproduced any forms the director deems will facilitate the preparation and understanding of statements and supporting schedules required by this part.
All departments, boards, authorities, and officers of the State shall cooperate with the director of finance to the extent required to enable the director to prepare the statements and supporting schedules required by this part. [L 1979, c 57, pt of §10]

Structure Hawaii Revised Statutes

Hawaii Revised Statutes

Title 5. State Financial Administration

39. State Bonds

39-1 to 15 REPEALED. §39-1 Authorization to issue; amount.

39-2 Application of proceeds.

39-3 Allotments; appropriations.

39-4 Details of bonds.

39-5 Sale of bonds.

39-6 Premiums to general fund.

39-7 Form and execution of bonds.

39-8 Same, signatures.

39-9 CUSIP numbers.

39-10 Support facility for variable rate bonds.

39-11 Bonds tax exempt; first charge on general fund.

39-12 Payment, principal and interest.

39-13 Fiscal and paying agents and registrars.

39-14 Federal tax exempt status; preference; protection.

39-15 Bond anticipation notes.

39-16 Refunding bonds authorized.

39-17 Validation of proceedings.

39-18 Bonds negotiable, incontestable.

39-19 Aviation fuel tax, pledge.

39-31 to 34 REPEALED. §39-31 Duplicates.

39-32 Payment to be made.

39-33 Method of issuance and payment.

39-34 Disputed ownership.

39-51 to 70 REPEALED. §39-51 Definitions.

39-52 Declaration of policy.

39-53 Additional powers of departments.

39-54 Authorization of revenue bonds; details of revenue bonds.

39-55 Sale of revenue bonds.

39-56 Form and execution of revenue bonds.

39-57 Same, signatures.

39-58 CUSIP numbers.

39-59 Support facility for variable rate revenue bonds.

39-60 Covenants in resolution or certificate authorizing issuance of revenue bonds.

39-61 Rates, rentals, fees, and charges; undertakings and loan programs to be self-sustaining.

39-62 Use of revenue and user taxes by any undertaking, loan program, or the Hawaii hurricane relief fund.

39-63 Lien and charge of revenue bonds.

39-64 Revenue bonds not a general or moral obligation of State.

39-65 Undertaking, loan program, and revenue bonds exempt from taxation.

39-66 Federal tax-exempt status; preference; protection.

39-67 Revenue bonds legal investments.

39-68 Duties of the director.

39-69 Investment of reserves, etc.

39-70 Bond anticipation notes.

39-71 Refunding revenue obligations.

39-72 Transfers to department.

39-73 Consent of governmental agencies.

39-74 General laws applicable.

39-75 Construction.

39-76 Validation of proceedings.

39-91 to 99 REPEALED. §39-91 Definitions.

39-92 State debt limit statement.

39-93 Statement of total outstanding indebtedness of the State and the exclusions permitted therefrom.

39-94 Arrangement of statements and schedules and forms; incorporation.

39-125 to 131 REPEALED. §39-101 Renumbered §39A-1.

39-111 Legislative determination.

39-112 Legislative certification as to bonds issued for assessable improvements.

39-151 REPEALED. §39-151 Compound interest bond reserve fund.

39-161 Definitions.

39-162 Perfection of a security interest.

39-163 Priority of a security interest.

39-164 Enforcement of a security interest.