§321-22.5 Trauma system special fund. (a) There is established within the state treasury a special fund to be known as the trauma system special fund to be administered and expended by the department of health. The fund shall consist of:
(1) Surcharges collected pursuant to sections 291-15, 291C-2, and 291E-7;
(2) Cigarette tax revenues designated under section 245-15;
(3) Federal funds granted by Congress or executive order for the purpose of this chapter; provided that the acceptance and use of federal funds shall not commit state funds for services and shall not place an obligation upon the legislature to continue the purpose for which the federal funds are made available;
(4) Funds appropriated by the legislature for this purpose, including grants-in-aid;
(5) Grants, donations, and contributions from private or public sources for the purposes of the trauma system special fund; and
(6) Interest on and other income from the fund, which shall be separately accounted for.
The unexpended and unencumbered moneys in the fund in excess of $7,400,000 on June 30 of each fiscal year shall be transferred by the director of finance into and become a realization of the general fund on that date. Expenditures from the trauma system special fund shall be exempt from chapters 103D and 103F.
(b) The moneys in the trauma system special fund shall be used by the department to support the continuing development and operation of a comprehensive state trauma system. The trauma system special fund shall be used to subsidize the documented costs for the comprehensive state trauma system, including but not limited to the following:
(1) Costs of under-compensated and uncompensated trauma care incurred by hospitals providing care to trauma patients;
(2) Costs incurred by hospitals providing care to trauma patients to maintain on-call physicians for trauma care; and
(3) Costs to staff and operate the State's injury prevention program.
The money in the trauma system special fund shall not be used to supplant funding for trauma services authorized prior to July 1, 2006, and shall not be used for ambulance or medical air transport services.
(c) Disbursements from the fund shall be made in accordance with a methodology established by the department of health to calculate costs incurred by a hospital providing care to trauma patients that are eligible to receive reimbursement under subsection (d). The methodology shall take into account:
(1) Physician on-call coverage that is demonstrated to be essential for trauma services within the hospital;
(2) Equipment that is demonstrated to be essential for trauma services within the hospital;
(3) The creation of overflow or surge capacity to allow a trauma center to respond to mass casualties resulting from an act of terrorism or natural disaster; and
(4) All other hospital services and resources that are demonstrated to be essential for trauma services within the hospital.
The department shall adopt rules pursuant to chapter 91 to effectuate the purposes of this section.
(d) To receive reimbursement, a hospital providing care to trauma patients shall apply to the trauma system special fund on a form and in a manner approved by the department; provided that recipients of reimbursements from the trauma system special fund shall be subject to the following conditions:
(1) The recipient of a reimbursement shall:
(A) Comply with applicable federal, state, and county laws;
(B) Comply with any other requirements the director may prescribe;
(C) Allow the director, the legislative bodies, and the state auditor access to records, reports, files, and other related documents, to the extent permissible under applicable state and federal law, so that the program, management, and fiscal practices of the recipient may be monitored and evaluated to ensure the proper and effective expenditure of public funds;
(D) Provide care to all injured patients regardless of their ability to pay; and
(E) Participate in data collection and peer review activities for the purpose of system evaluation and improvement of patient care; and
(2) Every reimbursement shall be monitored according to rules established by the director under chapter 91 to ensure compliance with this section.
(e) Necessary administrative expenses to carry out this section shall not exceed five per cent of the total amount collected in any given year.
(f) The department shall submit an annual report to the legislature no later than twenty days prior to the convening of each regular session that outlines the receipts of and expenditures from the trauma system special fund.
(g) For the purposes of this section:
"Comprehensive state trauma system" means a coordinated integrated system providing a spectrum of medical care throughout the State designed to reduce death and disability by appropriate and timely diagnosis and specialized treatment of injuries, which includes hospitals with successive levels of advanced capabilities for trauma care in accordance with nationally accepted standards established by the American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma.
"Hospital providing care to trauma patients" means a hospital with emergency services that receives and treats injured patients.
"Trauma care" means specialized medical care intended to reduce death and disability from injuries.
"Trauma center" means a facility verified by the American College of Surgeons or designated by the department applying American College of Surgeons recommendations as guidelines as being a level I, level II, level III, or level IV trauma center. Level I represents the highest level attainable by a verified trauma center, and level IV represents the lowest level attainable by a verified trauma center. [L 2006, c 305, §2; am L 2008, c 231, §20; am L 2012, c 276, §1; am L 2015, c 238, §3]
Establishing positions, convening ad hoc committees, and annual report to legislature on fund. L 2006, c 305, § §5 to 7.
Law Journals and Reviews
Long-Term Care in Hawaii. 18 HBJ, no. 13, at 59 (2015).
Structure Hawaii Revised Statutes
321-1 General powers and duties of the department.
321-1.1 Development of environmental goals and objectives.
321-1.3 Domestic violence and sexual assault special fund.
321-1.4 Office of health care assurance special fund; deposits; expenditures
321-1.5 Primary health care incentive program; establishment.
321-1.6 Additional duties of the director.
321-1.7 Public health nursing services program.
321-1.8 Inspections; public notice.
321-1.9 Inspections; visits; state-licensed or state-certified care facilities.
321-1.65 Community health centers special fund.
321-2.5 Volunteer medical assistance personnel.
321-2.7 Preceptor credit assurance committee.
321-4.7 Producers of hand-pounded poi; exemption.
321-5 Contract for exchange of Hawaii personnel.
321-9 Seal, rules and regulations.
321-10 Rules, adoption, effect.
321-10.5 Agricultural processing facilities; permits; priority.
321-11 Subjects of health rules, generally.
321-11.1 Medically accurate sexuality health education.
321-11.4 Fees for electronic applications and payments
321-11.5 Establishment of fees.
321-11.6 Genetically modified organisms.
321-11.8 Care homes; liability insurance; coverage.
321-11.9 Dental health facilities; health care facilities; use of latex gloves.
321-12 Barbers, hairdressers, cosmeticians, cosmetologists, and beauticians.
321-12.2 Tanning facilities; minors; penalties.
321-12.5 Certified forensic examination fees.
321-13 Regulation of certain other occupations.
321-13.5 Certified nurse aides; investigations of abuse and neglect.
321-14 License to practice certain occupations.
321-14.5 Hospitals; licensing.
321-14.8 Home care agencies; licensing.
321-15.3 Criminal history disclosure of prospective care home resident.
321-15.6 Adult residential care homes; licensing.
321-15.9 Developmental disabilities residential services.
321-15.61 Adult residential care homes expanded admissions.
321-16.5 Special treatment facilities
321-16.6 Therapeutic living programs.
321-17 Vessels to carry diseased persons; penalty.
321-19 Delegation to counties.
321-21 Infectious wastes; management and disposal.
321-22 Long term care service development fund established.
321-22.5 Trauma system special fund
321-23 Catastrophic and traumatic emergency response program established.
321-23.3 Volunteer emergency medical disaster response personnel.
321-23.6 Rapid identification documents.
321-27 Sanitation and environmental health special fund.
321-28 Traumatic brain injury advisory board.
321-29 Epidemiologic investigations.
321-30.1 Medical cannabis registry and regulation special fund; established.
321-30.2 Civil monetary penalty special fund.
321-30.3 Default beverages offered with children's meals.
321-30.4 Cosmetics; animal testing; prohibition.
321-31 Functions of the department.
321-32 Epidemiological specialists.
321-34 Cytomegalovirus public education.
321-35 Department of education student physical examination follow-up assistance and consultations.
321-37 Child abuse and neglect secondary prevention programs.
321-38 Hawaii children's trust fund advisory committee.
321-43 Statistical activities.
321-46 Breast density mammography results; report and notification.
321-51 Department to administer part.
321-52 Powers, duties, and activities of the department.
321-62 General duties of department.
321-63 Director's specific duties and powers.
321-72 Sources of ionizing radiation; federal-state agreements.
321-82 Field nutritionist, rural Oahu.
321-91 Program of home health services.
321-93 Home health services; source of funds; disposition of receipts.
321-101 Systematic hearing and vision program.
321-106 Prevention of blindness at childbirth.
321-111 Sexually transmitted disease prevention program.
321-161 Chemical testing for alcohol concentration or drug content.
321-171 Children's mental health services; department responsibility.
321-172 Children's mental health services branch.
321-173 Community mental health services for children and youth.
321-174 Coordination of services with department of education.
321-175 Statewide children's mental health services plan.
321-176 Biennial review of progress.
321-192 Substance abuse program.
321-192.5 Substance abuse treatment monitoring program.
321-193 Duties and responsibilities of department.
321-193.5 Interagency coordination.
321-193.7 Clean and sober homes registry.
321-194 State advisory commission.
321-195 Annual report to the legislature.
321-198 State funding of substance abuse agencies.
321-212 Tobacco products; possession or consumption prohibited.
321-221 Findings and purpose. §321-221 Findings and purpose.
321-224 Department of health, functions, duties.
321-224.2 Enhanced and expanded emergency medical services; fees.
321-224.4 Community paramedicine program; established.
321-225 The state emergency medical services advisory committee.
321-225.5 Fall prevention and early detection coordinator.
321-227 Regulation of ambulances. §321-227 Regulation of ambulances.
321-228 Emergency medical services; counties. §321-228 Emergency medical services; counties.
321-228.5 Renumbered as §321-23.3.
321-228.6 Renumbered as §321-23.
321-229 Emergency medical services personnel, training programs.
321-229.2 First responder personnel; dementia training.
321-229.5 Renumbered as §321-23.6.
321-230 Technical assistance, data collection, evaluation.
321-232 Revenues; deposit into state general fund.
321-234 Emergency medical services special fund.
321-235 Immunity and limitation on liability for emergency aeromedical services.
321-237 Retention of relevant documentation.
321-281 Financial assistance fund for hemophilia.
321-282 General duties of the department.
321-291 Tests for phenylketonuria, hypothyroidism, and other metabolic diseases.
321-296 Newborn pulse oximetry screening.
321-301 Bilingual health education aide program; establishment.
321-311 Environmentally-related illness and injury surveillance.
321-311.5 Renumbered as §321-29.
321-312 Definition of environmentally-related illness or injury.
321-313 Definition of health care professional.
321-314 Reports to the department.
321-316 Immunity from liability.
321-322 Administration of programs.
321-324 Powers of the department.
321-327 Hawaii home visiting program; established.
321-331 Prenatal health care; authority.
321-341 Multidisciplinary and multiagency reviews.
321-343 Access to information; use of child death review information; protections.
321-345.5 Child death reviews; reports.
321-346 Immunity from liability.
321-352 Early intervention services for infants and toddlers with special needs.
321-352.2 Early language services for children who are deaf, hard of hearing, or deaf-blind.
321-353 Hawaii early intervention coordinating council; establishment.
321-355 Early intervention special fund.
321-357 Early intervention special fund; purpose and use.
321-373 Regulation of tattoo artists.
321-373.5 Permit; required for tattoo shop and temporary locations.
321-374 License required; exemptions.
321-375 Examination, fees required.
321-377 Suspension or revocation of permit or license.
321-379 Enforcement; penalties.
321-381 Biennial renewal; failure to renew.
321-402 Food safety consultative and education program.
321-403 Food safety control system.
321-404 Public information monitoring system.
321-405 Confidentiality of information.
321-412 Indoor air quality program.
321-413 General functions, powers, and duties of the department.
321-422 Birth defects program.
321-423 Confidentiality of data.
321-425 Requests for information.
321-426 Birth defects special fund.
321-432 Case management services for medically fragile children.
321-442 Exemption from certain laws and rules.
321-472 Multidisciplinary and multiagency reviews
321-475 Use of domestic violence fatality review information and records
321-476 Immunity from liability
321-482 Home and community-based case management agency, authority over and evaluation of
321-483 Community care foster family home, authority over and evaluation of.
321-486.1 Action upon investigation.
321-487 Referral or transfers to uncertified or unlicensed care facility; penalty.
321-493 Day care centers for disabled and aged persons.
321-501 Multidisciplinary and multiagency mortality reviews.
321-503 Access to information.
321-506 Immunity from liability.
321-513 Enforcement; administrative penalties.
321-532 Stroke system of care; department duties.
321-534 Confidential information.
321-561 Limited service pregnancy centers; notice of reproductive health services.
321-562 Limited service pregnancy centers; enforcement; private right of action.
321-563 Seizure first aid; information.
321-571 Skilled nursing facilities.
321-581 Authority of the department of health.
321-582 Consultation with the University of Hawaii required.
321-583 Reduction or elimination of direct patient care services.