§304A-104.6 Candidate advisory council for the board of regents of the University of Hawaii. (a) The candidate advisory council for the board of regents of the University of Hawaii shall recruit, evaluate, and present to the governor qualified candidates for nomination to a vacant seat on the board of regents. The candidate advisory council shall be attached to the University of Hawaii for administrative purposes.
(b) The candidate advisory council shall:
(1) Develop and implement a fair and independent procedure for evaluating candidates to serve on the board of regents;
(2) Require candidates and members of their immediate families to disclose any existing or anticipated contracts or financial transactions with the University of Hawaii;
(3) Actively solicit and accept applications from potential candidates;
(4) Evaluate candidates for the board of regents on their background, experience, and potential for discharging the responsibilities of a member of the board of regents, based upon the qualifications imposed by the Hawaii State Constitution; and
(5) Present a list of at least three candidates to the governor for nomination and appointment for each vacant seat on the board of regents of the University of Hawaii.
(c) The candidate advisory council shall initiate the recruitment and evaluation of candidates for each vacancy on the board of regents within:
(1) Sixty days of a vacancy; or
(2) At least one hundred twenty days prior to the expiration of a regent's term.
(d) To provide continuity for the board of regents, the governor may recommend to the candidate advisory council the reappointment of a member of the board of regents, subject to the advice and consent of the senate.
(e) The candidate advisory council shall consist of seven voting members to be appointed without regard to section 26-34 as follows:
(1) One member who shall be appointed by the president of the senate;
(2) One member who shall be appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives; and
(3) Five members who shall be appointed by the governor.
A member of the Association of Emeritus Regents of the University of Hawaii, appointed by the chair of the Association of Emeritus Regents of the University of Hawaii, shall serve as an ex officio, nonvoting member of the candidate advisory council, for a term not to exceed two years; provided that the appointment shall run concurrently with the term of the appointing chair.
The president of the senate, speaker of the house of representatives, and governor are encouraged to appoint full-time students of the university, university faculty, university staff, or university alumni to the candidate advisory council; provided that if a full-time student is appointed to the candidate advisory council, the student shall have been enrolled as a full-time student for at least three consecutive semesters and shall serve for a term of two years.
(f) Voting members of the candidate advisory council shall serve for the following terms:
(1) Those appointed by the president of the senate and speaker of the house of representatives shall serve for a term of four years; and
(2) Those appointed by the governor shall serve for a term of four years; provided that such appointments shall run concurrently with the term of the appointing governor.
(g) Appointees to the candidate advisory council shall have a general understanding of the purposes of higher education, the mission and strategic goals of the University of Hawaii system, and the role and responsibilities of the board of regents. Appointees shall be individuals who are widely viewed as having placed the broad public interest ahead of special interests, are respected by the community, and are highly qualified to recruit and evaluate candidates for the governor's consideration.
(h) Any member of the candidate advisory council whose term has expired may continue in office as a holdover member until a successor is appointed; provided that a holdover member shall not hold office for more than six months following the expiration of the member's term of office.
(i) A vacancy occurring in the membership of the candidate advisory council during a term shall be filled for the remainder of the unexpired term thereof by the appointing authority who appointed the member who creates the vacancy.
(j) The candidate advisory council shall operate in a wholly nonpartisan manner. No member of the candidate advisory council shall run for or hold any elected office of the State or any of its political subdivisions while serving on the candidate advisory council. A member of the candidate advisory council shall resign from the candidate advisory council prior to filing nomination papers for an elected office of the State or any of its political subdivisions.
(k) The chairperson of the candidate advisory council shall be elected by a majority of the voting members of the candidate advisory council. A majority of the members to which the candidate advisory council is entitled shall constitute a quorum to conduct business. The concurrence of a majority of the voting members of the candidate advisory council shall be necessary to make any action of the candidate advisory council valid. The candidate advisory council shall meet annually and at other times as necessary. The candidate advisory council shall be exempt from part I of chapter 92.
(l) Members of the candidate advisory council shall serve without compensation but shall be reimbursed for expenses, including travel expenses, necessary for the performance of their duties. [L 2013, c 72, §2]
Structure Hawaii Revised Statutes
304A. University of Hawaii System
304A-101 Establishment; available to all.
304A-102 Purposes of the university.
304A-103 University to be public corporation; general powers.
304A-104 Regents; appointment; tenure; qualifications; meetings.
304A-104.6 Candidate advisory council for the board of regents of the University of Hawaii.
304A-105 Powers of regents; official name.
304A-106 Gifts; investment authority.
304A-111 Indemnification of collaborating institutions.
304A-112 Contracts for services provided by the research corporation of the University of Hawaii.
304A-113 Commercial enterprises.
304A-115 Depository of war records.
304A-118 Graduation pathway system.
304A-119 University of Hawaii; net-zero energy goal.
304A-120 Campus safety and accountability.
304A-121 Technology transfer; reporting.
304A-122 Smoking and tobacco use prohibited; University of Hawaii premises.
304A-201 Soil conservation; policy.
304A-202 Board to act as agency.
304A-203 Powers and duties of agency.
304A-204 Specialist in cooperative organizations.
304A-301 State board for career and technical education; designation.
304A-302 Board's power and authority.
304A-303 Career and technical education coordinating advisory council.
304A-304 Industry-recognized credentials; data collection.
304A-321 Independent audit committee; established; powers; duties.
304A-322 Findings of significant issues; implementation of corrective and remedial action.
304A-401 Tuition fees; resident, nonresident; other fees.
304A-402 Residence for tuition purposes; basic rule.
304A-403 Public meetings exemption.
304A-502 Power of regents to grant tuition waivers.
304A-503 Hawaii opportunity program in education.
304A-504 Hawaii state scholars program
304A-505 Workforce development scholarship program.
304A-506 Hawaii community college promise program; established.
304A-601 State higher education loans; eligibility; amounts.
304A-602 Repayment of state higher education loans; collection.
304A-603 Capacity of minors in qualifying for state higher education loans.
304A-604 Rules governing state higher education loan fund.
304A-703 Capacity of minors in qualifying for Hawaii educator loans.
304A-704 Rules governing Hawaii educator loan program revolving fund.
304A-901 Tuberculosis clearance certification; exemption.
304A-1002 Faculty; classification schedule.
304A-1003 Faculty members; exchange privileges; conditions.
304A-1004 Annual report; executive, managerial, and faculty salaries.
304A-1005 University general counsel.
304A-1006 Compensation of education laboratory school cafeteria personnel.
304A-1101 System of community colleges; purpose.
304A-1142 Program; establishment.
304A-1201 College of education
304A-1202 Teacher education coordinating committee.
304A-1301 Hawaiian language college; establishment.
304A-1351 Law school; establishment.
304A-1352 Procurement institute; established.
304A-1401 School of nursing and dental hygiene; establishment.
304A-1402 School of nursing and dental hygiene; functions.
304A-1403 Clinical training and practice; board of regents; power to contract.
304A-1404 Center for nursing; establishment; advisory board.
304A-1405 Advisory board for the center for nursing; powers and duties
304A-1406 Center for nursing; functions.
304A-1407 Collaboration with the center for nursing
304A-1501 Hawaii geophysics and planetology institute; director and staff.
304A-1502 State geophysicists.
304A-1503 Encouragement of federal assistance.
304A-1601 Center for labor education and research; establishment.
304A-1602 Center for labor education and research; functions and programs.
304A-1603 Labor education advisory council.
304A-1652 State aquarium; site.
304A-1653 State aquarium admission and user fees.
304A-1702 Graduate medical education program.
304A-1703 Medical education council.
304A-1751 Findings and purpose.
304A-1752 Qualifications for residency program.
304A-1753 Contract necessary for filling of positions.
304A-1754 Penalty for breach of contract.
304A-1755 Residency program; defined.
304A-1801 Family practice residency program; established.
304A-1802 International exchange program for health-related tourism.
304A-1851 Food and beverage; courses of instruction.
304A-1862 Robotics and problem-based, applied learning program; established.
304A-1863 Research experiences for teachers program; established.
304A-1864 `Ulu`ulu: The Henry Ku`ualoha Giugni Moving Image Archive of Hawai`i.
304A-1865 Medical cannabis testing and research programs; established.
304A-1891 Hawaii natural energy institute; structure; function.
304A-1892 Advisory council to Hawaii natural energy institute.
304A-1893.1 Periodic evaluation.
304A-1902 Mauna Kea lands; fees; lease agreements.
304A-1903 Mauna Kea lands; rules.
304A-1904 Violations; penalties; costs; collection.
304A-1905 Mauna Kea lands; reporting requirements.
304A-1951 to 304A-1959 REPEALED.
304A-1961 Innovation and commercialization initiative program
304A-1962 Innovation and commercialization initiative program; implementation
304A-1963 University innovation and commercialization initiative special fund.
304A-1964 Confidentiality of trade secrets; disclosure of financial information.
304A-1965 Limitation on liability.
304A-1966 Preservation of governmental immunity; full faith and credit.
304A-1967 Cooperation with the University of Hawaii by state agencies.
304A-1968 Construction of subpart.
304A-1971 Cancer research center of Hawaii.
304A-2001 Benchmarks; annual budget requests; biennial reports.
304A-2002 Budget request computation; reporting of exempt fees of scholarship holders.
304A-2003 Appropriations; accounts; depositories.
304A-2004 Special and revolving funds; expenditures in excess of appropriations.
304A-2005 Special and revolving funds; management.
304A-2006 Special and revolving funds; fees and charges; public meetings exemption.
304A-2007 Special and revolving funds; annual report; expenditures in excess of appropriations.
304A-2101 General fund budget appropriations; formulation.
304A-2102 Hawaii community college promise program subaccount.
304A-2151 University of Hawaii risk management special fund.
304A-2152 University of Hawaii at Manoa malpractice special fund.
304A-2153 University of Hawaii tuition and fees special fund.
304A-2154 Systemwide information technology and services special fund.
304A-2155 Library special fund.
304A-2156 and 304A-2162 REPEALED.
304A-2157 University of Hawaii auxiliary enterprises special fund.
304A-2159 University of Hawaii scholarship and assistance special fund
304A-2160 State higher education loan fund.
304A-2161 Renumbered as §304A-2276.
304A-2163 Center for nursing special fund.
304A-2165 State aquarium special fund.
304A-2166 University of Hawaii-West Oahu special fund.
304A-2167.5 University revenue-undertakings fund.
304A-2168 Hawaii cancer research special fund.
304A-2169.1 Energy systems development special fund.
304A-2170 Mauna Kea lands management special fund.
304A-2172 University of Hawaii capital improvements program project assessment special fund.
304A-2173 Child care programs special fund.
304A-2174 and 304A-2175 REPEALED.
304A-2178 University of Hawaii-Hilo theatre special fund.
304A-2179 Renumbered as §304A-2277.
304A-2180 `Ulu`ulu: The Henry Ku`ualoha Giugni Moving Image Archive of Hawai`i special fund.
304A-2181 University of Hawaii green special fund.
304A-2251 University of Hawaii commercial enterprises revolving fund.
304A-2252 Renumbered as §304A-2173.
304A-2253 Research and training revolving fund.
304A-2254 Renumbered as §304A-2174.
304A-2255 Student health center revolving fund.
304A-2256 Transcript and diploma revolving fund.
304A-2257 University of Hawaii student activities revolving fund.
304A-2259 Renumbered as §304A-2175.
304A-2260 University of Hawaii graduate application revolving fund.
304A-2261 Renumbered as §304A-2176.
304A-2262 Renumbered as §304A-2177.
304A-2263 Seed distribution program; revolving fund.
304A-2264 to 304A-2266 REPEALED.
304A-2267 Center for labor education and research revolving fund.
304A-2270 Hawaiian language college revolving fund.
304A-2271 Renumbered as §304A-2178.
304A-2272 Conference center revolving fund; University of Hawaii at Hilo.
304A-2273 Community college conference center revolving fund.
304A-2274 University of Hawaii real property and facilities use revolving fund.
304A-2275 University parking revolving fund.
304A-2276 Hawaii educator loan program revolving fund.
304A-2278 Community colleges revolving fund.
304A-2351 GEAR UP Hawaii scholarship trust fund.
304A-2353 and 304A-2354 REPEALED.
304A-2355 University of Hawaii quasi-endowment trust fund.
304A-2356 Hawaiian early learning trust fund.
304A-2401 Land-grant college aid.
304A-2402 Agricultural extension service; experiment station.
304A-2403 Acceptance of federal aid; career and technical education.
304A-2501 to 304A-2518 REPEALED.
304A-2601 Parking; control by board of regents.
304A-2602 Fines and other penalties.
304A-2651 University of Hawaii equipment.
304A-2671 Definitions and interpretations.
304A-2672 Powers of the board.
304A-2674 Revenue bonds; details, sale, legal investment.
304A-2675 Support facility for variable rate revenue bonds.
304A-2676 CUSIP identification numbers.
304A-2677 Covenants in resolution authorizing revenue bonds.
304A-2678 Execution and validity of revenue bonds.
304A-2679 Pledge of revenue of the university.
304A-2680 Payment and security of revenue bonds; revenue bonds not a debt of the State.
304A-2681 Imposition of rates, rents, fees, and charges; pledge, allocation of appropriation.
304A-2682 Revenue bond anticipation notes.
304A-2683 University project, university system, networks, and revenue bonds exempt from taxation.
304A-2684 Powers additional to other powers.
304A-2685 Refunding revenue bonds; authorization and purpose.
304A-2687 Validation of proceedings.
304A-2688 Limitation of authority.
304A-2690 to 304A-2693 REPEALED.
304A-3001 Establishment of the research corporation; purpose.
304A-3002 Board of directors; composition.
304A-3003 Powers of the research corporation.
304A-3004 Research vessel safety requirements.
304A-3005 Research corporation excepted from certain state laws.
304A-3006 Officers and employees of the research corporation.
304A-3009 Patents, copyrights, and other rights.
304A-3011 Contracts with state agencies.
304A-3101 Pacific international center for high technology research; establishment.
304A-3152 Commission's powers and authority.
304A-3154 Cooperation with other state agencies.
304A-3201 Approval of compact.
304A-3202 Terms and provisions of compact.
304A-3204 State commissioners.
304A-3205 Expenditures; reports.
304A-3206 Placement of students.
304A-3208 Obligations under compact not impaired.
304A-3209 Professional student exchange program; repayment policy.
304A-3252 Duties of the center.
304A-3302 Nursing scholars program; establishment, administration.
304A-3303 Scholarships; nursing degree programs.
304A-3304 Program administration.
304A-3352 Pacific international space center for exploration systems.
304A-3356 Pacific international space center for exploration systems special fund