Hawaii Revised Statutes
302D. Public Charter Schools
302D-20 Charter transfers.

§302D-20 Charter transfers. (a) Transfer of a charter contract, and of oversight of that public charter school, from one authorizer to another before the expiration of the charter term shall not be permitted except by special petition to the board by a public charter school or its authorizer. The board shall review such petitions on a case-by-case basis and may grant transfer requests in response to special circumstances and evidence that such a transfer would serve the best interests of the public charter school's students.
(b) The board may adopt rules pursuant to chapter 91 to carry out the purposes of this section. [L 2012, c 130, pt of §2]

Structure Hawaii Revised Statutes

Hawaii Revised Statutes

Title 18. Education

302D. Public Charter Schools

302D-1 Definitions.


302D-3 State public charter school commission; establishment; appointment.

302D-3.2 Fees.

302D-3.5 Rules.

302D-4 Chartering authority application for eligible entities.

302D-5 Authorizer powers, duties, and liabilities.

302D-6 Principles and standards for charter authorizing.

302D-7 Authorizer reporting.

302D-8 Conflict of interests.

302D-9 Exclusivity of authorizing functions and rights.

302D-10 Services purchased from authorizer; itemized accounting.

302D-11 Oversight of public charter school authorizers.

302D-12 Charter school governing boards; powers and duties.

302D-13 Start-up and conversion charter schools; establishment.


302D-14.5 Approved charter applications; start-up period; pre-opening charter schools.

302D-15 Appeals; charter applications, renewals, or revocations.

302D-16 Performance framework.

302D-17 Ongoing oversight and corrective actions.

302D-18 Renewals, revocations, and nonrenewals.

302D-19 School closure and dissolution.

302D-20 Charter transfers.

302D-21 Annual board report.


302D-23 Minimum educational data reporting standards.

302D-24 Occupancy and use of facilities of department schools.

302D-25 Applicability of state laws.

302D-26 Civil service status; employee rights.

302D-27 Administration of workers' compensation.

302D-28 Funding and finance.

302D-28.5 Financial insolvency.

302D-29 Weighted student formula

302D-29.5 Facilities funding.

302D-30 Responsibilities of the department; special education services.

302D-31 Athletics.

302D-32 Annual audit.

302D-33 Criminal history record checks.

302D-34 Enrollment.

302D-35 Use of vacant department facilities.

302D-36 Youth suicide awareness and prevention protocol.

302D-37 Standardized assessment for students entering kindergarten.

302D-38 Prior early learning programs attendance disclosure.

302D-39 Public early learning and preschool programs; administrative authority.

302D-40 Computer science.