§302D-16 Performance framework. (a) The performance provisions within the charter contract shall be based on a performance framework that clearly sets forth the academic, financial, organizational, and operational performance indicators, measures, and metrics that will guide the authorizer's evaluations of each public charter school. The performance framework, as established by the authorizer, shall include indicators, measures, and metrics for, at a minimum:
(1) Student academic proficiency;
(2) Student academic growth;
(3) Achievement gaps in proficiency and growth between major student subgroups;
(4) Attendance;
(5) Enrollment variance;
(6) Postsecondary readiness, as applicable for high schools;
(7) Financial performance and sustainability;
(8) Performance and stewardship, including compliance with all applicable laws, rules, and terms of the charter contract; and
(9) Organizational viability.
(b) Annual academic performance targets shall be set by each public charter school in conjunction with its authorizer, and shall be designed to track each school in meeting applicable federal, state, and authorizer expectations.
(c) The performance framework shall allow the inclusion of additional rigorous, valid, and reliable indicators proposed by a public charter school to augment external evaluations of its performance; provided that the authorizer approves the quality and rigor of such school-proposed indicators, and the indicators are consistent with the purposes of this chapter and the charter contract.
(d) The performance framework shall require the disaggregation of all student performance data by major student subgroups.
(e) For each public charter school it oversees, the authorizer shall be responsible for verifying and either maintaining or having access to all charter school data upon which the performance framework relies.
(f) Multiple schools overseen by a single governing board shall be required to report their performance as separate, individual charter schools, and each charter school shall be held independently accountable for its performance. [L 2012, c 130, pt of §2; am L 2013, c 159, §11; am L 2014, c 99, §11]
Structure Hawaii Revised Statutes
302D-3 State public charter school commission; establishment; appointment.
302D-4 Chartering authority application for eligible entities.
302D-5 Authorizer powers, duties, and liabilities.
302D-6 Principles and standards for charter authorizing.
302D-9 Exclusivity of authorizing functions and rights.
302D-10 Services purchased from authorizer; itemized accounting.
302D-11 Oversight of public charter school authorizers.
302D-12 Charter school governing boards; powers and duties.
302D-13 Start-up and conversion charter schools; establishment.
302D-14.5 Approved charter applications; start-up period; pre-opening charter schools.
302D-15 Appeals; charter applications, renewals, or revocations.
302D-16 Performance framework.
302D-17 Ongoing oversight and corrective actions.
302D-18 Renewals, revocations, and nonrenewals.
302D-19 School closure and dissolution.
302D-23 Minimum educational data reporting standards.
302D-24 Occupancy and use of facilities of department schools.
302D-25 Applicability of state laws.
302D-26 Civil service status; employee rights.
302D-27 Administration of workers' compensation.
302D-28.5 Financial insolvency.
302D-29 Weighted student formula
302D-30 Responsibilities of the department; special education services.
302D-33 Criminal history record checks.
302D-35 Use of vacant department facilities.
302D-36 Youth suicide awareness and prevention protocol.
302D-37 Standardized assessment for students entering kindergarten.
302D-38 Prior early learning programs attendance disclosure.
302D-39 Public early learning and preschool programs; administrative authority.