Hawaii Revised Statutes
287. Motor Vehicle Safety Responsibility Act
287-25 Owner's policy requirements.

§287-25 Owner's policy requirements. An owner's policy of liability insurance:
(1) Shall designate by explicit description or by appropriate reference all motor vehicles with respect to which coverage is thereby to be granted;
(2) Shall insure the person named therein and any other person, as insured, using any such motor vehicle or motor vehicles with the express or implied permission of the named insured, against loss from the liability imposed by law for damages arising out of the ownership, maintenance, or use of the motor vehicle or motor vehicles within the State and such other places as the policy provides, subject to limits exclusive of interest and costs, with respect to each such motor vehicle, as follows: $10,000 because of bodily injury to or death of one person in any one accident, and subject to such limit for one person, $20,000 because of bodily injury to or death of two or more persons in any one accident, and $5,000 because of injury to or destruction of property of others in any one accident. [L 1949, c 393, pt of §1; RL 1955, §160-103; am L 1963, c 98, §1; HRS §287-25]
Cross References
Policy coverage: motorcycles and motor scooters, see §431:10G-301; motor vehicles (no-fault law), see §431:10C-301.
Case Notes
Initial permission rule, discussed. 901 F.2d 765 (1990).
Insurance omnibus clause protects insured, uninsured permittee-driver, and injured. 50 H. 212, 437 P.2d 99 (1968).
Requirement as to coverage of persons using with permission, construed. 50 H. 212, 437 P.2d 99 (1968).
Where terms of insurance policy are in conflict with statute, latter takes precedence. 50 H. 212, 437 P.2d 99 (1968).
Omnibus clause coverage is limited by §287-24 to certified policies. 52 H. 80, 470 P.2d 521 (1970).
Defendant was not a permissive user of insured vehicle and was therefore not a "covered person" under insurance contract. 78 H. 249, 891 P.2d 1041 (1995).

Structure Hawaii Revised Statutes

Hawaii Revised Statutes

Title 17. Motor and Other Vehicles

287. Motor Vehicle Safety Responsibility Act

287-1 Definitions.

287-2 Administrator to administer chapter; appeal to circuit court.

287-3 Furnishing of operating records.

287-4 Report required following accident.

287-5 Security required unless evidence of insurance.

287-6 Suspension of license.

287-7 Exceptions.

287-8 Further exceptions to requirement of security.

287-9 Duration of suspension.

287-10 Application to nonresidents and unlicensed drivers.

287-11 Form and amount of security.

287-12 Custody, disposition, and return of security.

287-13 REPEALED.

287-14 Matters not to be evidence in civil court.

287-15 Report of nonpayment of judgments.

287-16 Suspension for nonpayment of judgment; exceptions.

287-17 Suspension to continue until judgments paid and proof given.

287-18 Payment sufficient to satisfy requirements.

287-19 Installment payment of judgment; default.

287-20 Proof of financial responsibility required upon conviction of certain offenses.

287-21 Alternate methods of giving proof.

287-22 Certificate of insurance as proof.

287-22.1 Certificate of insurance as proof; mandatory, when.

287-23 Certificate furnished by nonresident as proof.

287-24 Motor vehicle liability policy defined.

287-25 Owner's policy requirements.

287-26 Driver's policy requirements.

287-27 Contents of motor vehicle liability policy.

287-28 Liabilities which need not be covered.

287-29 General provisions governing liability policies.

287-30 Excess coverage permitted.

287-31 Reimbursement of insurer; proration of insurance.

287-32 Combining policies and issuing binders to meet requirements.

287-33 Notice of cancellation or termination of certified policy.

287-34 Chapter not to affect other policies.

287-35 Bond as proof.

287-36 Money or bonds as proof.

287-37 Owner may give proof for others.

287-38 Substitution of proof.

287-39 Other proof may be required.

287-40 Duration of proof; when proof may be canceled or returned.

287-41 Surrender of license on violation.

287-42 Self-insurers.

287-43 Assigned risk plans.

287-44 Penalties.

287-45 Exceptions.

287-46 Chapter supplemental to traffic ordinances and motor vehicle laws.

287-47 Other relief available.

287-48 Application of chapter to suspensions and revocations prior to January 1, 1950.