Hawaii Revised Statutes
269E. One Call Center; Advance Warning to Excavators
269E-4 One call center advisory committee.

§269E-4 One call center advisory committee. (a) The commission shall establish a one call center advisory committee as a governmental entity as defined under chapter 662D to advise the commission in implementing this chapter. The committee shall consist of seventeen voting members and one ex officio[,] nonvoting member. Of the voting members:
(1) Eleven shall be appointed by the commission to serve until successors are appointed by the commission. The appointments shall be as follows:
(A) One from the gas utility industry;
(B) One from the electric utility industry;
(C) One from the telecommunications utility industry;
(D) One from the pipeline operator industry;
(E) Two from the General Contractors Association of Hawaii;
(F) Two from the Building Industry Association of Hawaii;
(G) One from the cable service industry;
(H) One from the water utility industry; and
(I) One from the wastewater industry;
(2) One shall be the representative of the city and county of Honolulu designated by the mayor of the city and county of Honolulu;
(3) One shall be the representative of the county of Hawaii designated by the mayor of the county of Hawaii;
(4) One shall be the representative of the county of Maui designated by the mayor of the county of Maui;
(5) One shall be the representative of the county of Kauai designated by the mayor of the county of Kauai;
(6) One shall be the director of the state department of transportation, or the director's representative; and
(7) One shall be the executive director of the division of consumer advocacy, department of commerce and consumer affairs, or the executive director's representative.
A representative of the center shall serve as an ex officio[,] nonvoting member of the committee.
(b) No member shall receive any compensation for the member's services.
(c) The committee shall advise the commission on:
(1) The establishment of rules;
(2) The setting of appropriate fees and assessments for the administration and operation of the center;
(3) The selection of the center provider;
(4) The enforcement of this chapter; and
(5) Other aspects regarding the establishment and operation of the center;
provided that the committee shall not advise the commission in the exercise of the commission's quasi-judicial, adjudicatory functions, or participate in the commission's deliberations. The committee shall be exempt from chapter 92. [L 2004, c 141, pt of §1, §7; am L 2006, c 95, §1; am L 2009, c 72, §3]