Hawaii Revised Statutes
161. Poultry Inspection
161-22 Post-mortem inspection; reinspection.

§161-22 Post-mortem inspection; reinspection. A post-mortem examination and inspection of the carcasses and parts thereof of all poultry capable of use as human food, to be processed at any slaughtering, poultry-canning, packing, or similar establishment in this State in which such poultry or poultry products are prepared solely for intrastate commerce; and the carcasses and parts thereof of all such poultry or poultry products found to be not adulterated shall be marked, stamped, tagged, or labeled, as "Hawaii Inspected and Passed"; and said inspectors shall label, mark, stamp, or tag as "Hawaii Inspected and Condemned", all carcasses and parts thereof of poultry or poultry products found to be adulterated; and all carcasses and parts thereof thus inspected and condemned shall be destroyed for food purposes by the establishment in the presence of an inspector, and the board may remove inspectors from any such establishment which fails to so destroy any condemned carcass or part thereof, and the inspectors, after the first inspection shall, when they deem it necessary, reinspect the carcasses or parts thereof to determine whether since the first inspection the same have become adulterated and if any carcass or any part thereof shall, upon examination and inspection subsequent to the first examination and inspection, be found to be adulterated, it shall be destroyed for food purposes by the establishment in the presence of an inspector, and the board may withdraw inspection from any establishment which fails to so destroy any condemned carcass or part thereof.
The foregoing provisions, including those in section 161-21, shall apply to all poultry and carcasses or parts of carcasses of poultry or poultry products thereof, capable of use as human food, which may be brought into any poultry slaughtering, poultry-canning, packing, or similar establishment, where inspection under this part is maintained, and such examination and inspection shall be made before the carcasses or parts thereof shall be allowed to enter into any establishment wherein the same are to be treated and prepared for poultry products; and the foregoing provisions shall also apply to all such products which, after having been issued from any poultry slaughtering, poultry-canning, packing, or similar establishment, shall be returned to the same or to any similar establishment where such inspection is maintained. The board may limit the entry of poultry or poultry products, and other materials into any establishment at which inspection under this part is maintained, under such conditions it may prescribe to assure that allowing the entry of such poultry or poultry products into such inspected establishments will be consistent with the purpose of this chapter.
The board shall cause to be made by veterinarians and poultry inspectors appointed for that purpose an examination and inspection of all poultry or poultry products processed in any poultry slaughtering, poultry-canning, packing, or similar establishment, where such poultry or poultry products are prepared solely for intrastate commerce and for the purposes of any examination and inspection the inspectors shall have access at all times, by day or night, whether the establishment is operating or not, to every part of said establishment; and the inspectors shall mark, stamp, tag or label as "Hawaii Inspected and Passed" all such poultry or poultry products found to be not adulterated; and said inspectors shall label, mark, stamp, or tag as "Hawaii Inspected and Condemned" all such poultry or poultry products found adulterated, and all condemned poultry or poultry products shall be destroyed for food purposes and the board may withdraw inspection from any establishment which fails to so destroy such condemned poultry or poultry products. [L 1969, c 212, §14]