Hawaii Revised Statutes
10. Office of Hawaiian Affairs
10-27 Covenants in resolution authorizing revenue bonds.

§10-27 Covenants in resolution authorizing revenue bonds. Any resolution or resolutions authorizing the issuance of revenue bonds under this part may contain covenants as to:
(1) The purpose or purposes to which the proceeds of the sale of revenue bonds may be applied; the use and disposition of such proceeds; the investment thereof pending such use and disposition; and the use and disposition of the income from such investment;
(2) The use and disposition of the revenue of the office project or projects or the loan program or programs for which the revenue bonds are issued are to be included; the use and disposition of the revenue of all office projects and loan programs, and of the revenues of the office, including the creation and maintenance of reserves; the investment of such revenues and of the moneys in such reserves; and the use and disposition of the income from such investments;
(3) The minimum amount of revenues to be produced by the office projects, the loan programs, or the office, over and above the amount required to be produced by the first sentence and paragraphs (1) to (3) of section 10-31;
(4) The use and disposition of the proceeds of the sale of any office project, or part thereof;
(5) The acquisition, purchase, construction, reconstruction, improvement, betterment, extension, and maintenance of any office project other than the office project or projects for the construction or maintenance of which revenue bonds are issued;
(6) The issuance of other or additional revenue bonds payable either from the revenue of the office project or projects or the loan program or programs for which the revenue bonds are issued or from the revenue of the office or payable from the revenue of other office projects or loan programs;
(7) The maintenance of the office project and administration of the loan program, including the creation by the board of such supervisory positions, which shall not be subject to chapter 76, as are necessary to facilitate the issuance of revenue bonds by ensuring the adequacy of revenues;
(8) The insurance to be carried on office projects or for loan programs and the use and disposition of insurance moneys;
(9) Books of account and inspection and audit thereof;
(10) A procedure by which the terms and conditions of the bond resolution or indenture may be subsequently amended or modified with the consent of the board, the vote or written assent of the holders of bonds or any proportion of the holders, or any trustee thereof; and
(11) The terms and conditions upon which the holders of revenue bonds, or any proportion of the holders, or any trustee thereof, shall be entitled to the appointment of a receiver by any court of competent jurisdiction, which court shall have jurisdiction in such proceedings, and which receiver may enter and take possession of the office project or projects, maintain them, prescribe rents, fees, and charges therefrom, enforce or foreclose loans, and collect, receive, and apply all revenue thereafter arising therefrom in the same manner as the board itself might do, but the receiver shall have no power, nor be granted any power, to utilize, or permit the utilization of, any office project or to enforce any loan agreement other than in a manner consistent with and in furtherance of the purposes of the office.
This part and any such resolution or resolutions shall be a contract with the holders of bonds issued under this part, and the duties of the board and any such resolution or resolutions shall be enforceable by any bondholder by mandamus or other appropriate suit, action, or proceeding in any court of competent jurisdiction. [L 1994, c 283, pt of §2(2); am L 2000, c 253, §150; am L 2008, c 16, §1; am L 2013, c 171, §7]

Structure Hawaii Revised Statutes

Hawaii Revised Statutes

Title 1. General Provisions

10. Office of Hawaiian Affairs

10-1 Declaration of purpose.

10-2 Definitions.

10-3 Purpose of the office.

10-4 Office of Hawaiian affairs; established; general powers.

10-4.5 Authority over disbursements

10-5 Board of trustees; powers and duties.

10-6 General duties of the board.

10-7 Board of trustees.

10-8 Organization; quorum; meeting.

10-9 Salaries; benefit; expenses.

10-9.5 Salary commission; established.

10-10 Administrator; appointment, tenure, removal.

10-11 Salary of the administrator.

10-12 Assistant; staff.

10-13 Appropriations; accounts; reports.

10-13.3 Interim revenue. Notwithstanding the definition of revenue contained in this chapter and the provisions of section 10-13.5, and notwithstanding any claimed invalidity of Act 304, Session Laws of Hawaii 1990, the income and proceeds from the p...

10-13.5 Use of public land trust proceeds.

10-13.6 Public land trust conveyed for the development of housing projects. (a) This section applies to the revenue derived from land of the public land trust as designated in subsection (e) that is conveyed by the department of land and natural reso...


10-14.5 Budget preparation and submission; auditing. (a) The budget, six-year program and financial plan, and the variance report of the office of Hawaiian affairs shall be submitted by the board to the legislature and to each member thereof in accor...

10-14.55 Audit and report.

10-14.6 Legislative review. The legislature shall consider the board's proposed program and financial plan; evaluate alternatives to the board's recommendations; and appropriate any general fund portion of the budget and any matching special fund app...

10-15 Annual report.

10-15.5 REPEALED.

10-16 Suits.

10-17 Grants; conditions and qualifications.

10-18 Hui `Imi advisory council.

10-19 Hawaiian registry.

10-20 Taro security; funding.

10-21 Definitions.

10-22 Powers of the board.

10-23 Authorization of office projects and loan programs; issuance of revenue bonds.

10-24 Revenue bond anticipation notes.

10-25 Revenue bonds.

10-25.1 Federal tax-exempt status; preference; protection.

10-25.5 Support facility for variable rate revenue bonds. If revenue bonds issued pursuant to this chapter are issued bearing interest at a rate or rates that vary from time to time or with a right of holders to tender the revenue bonds for purchase,...

10-26 CUSIP numbers.

10-27 Covenants in resolution authorizing revenue bonds.

10-28 Validity of bonds.

10-29 Bonds.

10-30 Payment and security of revenue bonds; revenue bonds not a debt of the State.

10-31 Office of Hawaiian affairs projects and loan programs to be self-supporting.

10-32 Office of Hawaiian affairs projects, loan programs, and bonds exempt from taxation.

10-33 Powers herein, additional to other powers.

10-34 Funding and refunding bonds; authorization and purpose.

10-35 Funding and refunding bonds; principal amount.

10-36 Limitation of authority.

10-41 Training; applicability.

10-42 Training relating to native Hawaiian and Hawaiian traditional and customary rights, natural resources and access rights, and the public trust.