Georgia Code
Article 3 - Application of Building and Fire Related Codes to Existing Buildings
§ 8-2-217. Total Change in Use or Occupancy

History. Code 1981, § 8-2-217 , enacted by Ga. L. 1984, p. 1160, § 1; Ga. L. 1985, p. 149, § 8.

Structure Georgia Code

Georgia Code

Title 8 - Buildings and Housing

Chapter 2 - Standards and Requirements for Construction, and Alteration, of Buildings and Other Structures

Article 3 - Application of Building and Fire Related Codes to Existing Buildings

§ 8-2-200. Short Title

§ 8-2-201. Purpose and Applicability of Article

§ 8-2-202. Definitions

§ 8-2-203. Effect of Article on State and Local Enforcement Authorities

§ 8-2-204. Alteration or Repair Without Total Compliance With New Construction Requirements

§ 8-2-205. Identification and Correction of Certain Conditions or Defects

§ 8-2-206. Consideration of Compliance Alternatives

§ 8-2-207. Compliance Alternatives for Inadequate Number of Exits

§ 8-2-208. Compliance Alternatives for Excessive Travel Distances to Approved Exit

§ 8-2-209. Compliance Alternatives for Unenclosed or Improperly Enclosed Exit Stairways or Vertical Shafts

§ 8-2-210. Compliance Alternatives for Inadequate Fire Partitions or Walls

§ 8-2-211. Compliance Alternatives for Lack of Required Protection of Openings in Exterior Walls

§ 8-2-212. Filing of Approved Compliance Alternatives

§ 8-2-213. Final Review of Projects; Agreement of Local Authorities

§ 8-2-214. Additions

§ 8-2-215. Minor Alterations or Repairs; Reduction or Removal of Features; Alteration or Repair Without Further Compliance; Installation of Mechanical Systems

§ 8-2-216. Continuation of Legal Use and Occupancy

§ 8-2-217. Total Change in Use or Occupancy

§ 8-2-218. Change of Portion of Building to New Use or Occupancy

§ 8-2-219. Changes Which Increase Floor Loading

§ 8-2-220. Rules and Regulations

§ 8-2-221. Appeals of Rulings or Decisions

§ 8-2-222. Immunity of State and Local Entities; Liability of Property Owner or User