Georgia Code
Article 2 - Appellate Practice
§ 5-6-49. Bills of Exceptions, Exceptions Pendente Lite, Assignments of Error Abolished; Contents of Motions for New Trial and for j.n.o.v

History. Ga. L. 1965, p. 18, § 3.
Cross references.
Rulings on motions for judgment notwithstanding the verdict and motions for new trial, § 9-11-50 .

Structure Georgia Code

Georgia Code

Title 5 - Appeal and Error

Chapter 6 - Certiorari and Appeals to Appellate Courts Generally

Article 2 - Appellate Practice

§ 5-6-30. Purpose of Article; Construction

§ 5-6-31. Entry of Judgment Defined

§ 5-6-32. Manner of Service of Notices and Other Papers Upon Parties; Waiver or Acknowledgment of Service

§ 5-6-33. Right of Appeal Generally

§ 5-6-34. Judgments and Rulings Deemed Directly Appealable; Procedure for Review of Judgments, Orders, or Decisions Not Subject to Direct Appeal; Scope of Review; Hearings in Criminal Cases Involving a Capital Offense for Which Death Penalty Is Sough...

§ 5-6-35. Cases Requiring Application for Appeal; Requirements for Application; Exhibits; Response; Issuance of Appellate Court Order Regarding Appeal; Procedure; Supersedeas; Jurisdiction of Appeal; Appeals Involving Nonmonetary Judgments in Custody...

§ 5-6-36. Filing of Motion for New Trial and Motion for Judgment Notwithstanding Verdict Where Appeal Taken From Judgment, Ruling, or Order

§ 5-6-37. Filing and Contents of Notice of Appeal; Service of Notice Upon Parties to Appeal

§ 5-6-38. Time of Filing Notice of Appeal; Cross Appeal; Record and Transcript for Cross Appeal; Division of Costs; Appeals in Capital Offense Cases for Which Death Penalty Is Sought

§ 5-6-39. Extensions of Time for Filing Notice of Appeal, Notice of Cross Appeal, Transcript of Evidence, Designation of Record and Other Similar Motions

§ 5-6-40. Enumeration of Errors

§ 5-6-41. Reporting, Preparation, and Disposition of Transcript; Correction of Omissions or Misstatements; Preparation of Transcript From Recollections; Filing of Disallowed Papers; Filing of Stipulations in Lieu of Transcript; Reporting at Party’s E...

§ 5-6-42. Procedure for Preparation and Filing of Transcript of Evidence and Proceedings Where Appellant Designates Matter to Be Omitted From Record on Appeal; Extensions of Time for Completion of Transcript

§ 5-6-43. Preparation and Transmittal of Record on Appeal by Court Clerk; Retention of Copy by Clerk; Furnishing at No Cost to Attorney General in Capital Cases; Notification Where Defendant Confined to Jail

§ 5-6-44. Authorization and Procedure Generally for Filing of Joint Appeals, Motions for New Trial, and Other Motions; Division of Costs Between Parties

§ 5-6-45. Operation of Notice of Appeal as Supersedeas in Criminal Cases; Bond; Review

§ 5-6-46. Operation of Notice of Appeal as Supersedeas in Civil Cases; Requirement of Supersedeas Bond or Other Security; Fixing of Amount; Procedure Upon No or Insufficient Filing; Effect of Bond as to Liability of Surety; Punitive Damages

§ 5-6-47. Operation of Notice of Appeal and Affidavit of Indigence as Supersedeas in Civil Cases; Procedure for Contests as to Truth of Affidavit

§ 5-6-48. Grounds for Dismissal of Appeal; Amendments; Correcting or Supplementing Record or Transcript; Effect of Dismissal of Appeal Upon Cross Appeal; Effect of Deficiencies Upon Consideration of Appeal

§ 5-6-49. Bills of Exceptions, Exceptions Pendente Lite, Assignments of Error Abolished; Contents of Motions for New Trial and for j.n.o.v

§ 5-6-50. Procedure Provided by Article Supersedes Former Appellate Procedure

§ 5-6-51. Forms