Georgia Code
Article 2 - Appellate Practice
§ 5-6-33. Right of Appeal Generally

History. Orig. Code 1863, § 4160; Code 1868, § 4192; Code 1873, § 4251; Ga. L. 1880-81, p. 123, § 1; Code 1882, § 4251; Ga. L. 1887, p. 41, § 1; Civil Code 1895, § 5527; Penal Code 1895, § 1070; Civil Code 1910, § 6139; Penal Code 1910, § 1097; Code 1933, § 6-901; Ga. L. 1965, p. 18, § 22; Ga. L. 1986, p. 982, § 5; Ga. L. 2019, p. 845, § 2-2/HB 239.
The 2019 amendment, effective May 7, 2019, inserted “, or in the Georgia State-wide Business Court,” in the middle of paragraph (a)(1).
Cross references.
Appeals in habeas corpus cases, §§ 9-14-22 , 9-14-52 .
Review of death sentences by Supreme Court, § 17-10-35 et seq.
Appeal to Court of Appeals or Supreme Court from final judgment of superior court pertaining to review of final decision of administrative agency, § 50-13-20 .
Code Commission notes.
Pursuant to Code Section 28-9-5, in 1987, a comma was deleted following “city courts” in paragraph (a)(1).
Editor’s notes.
Ga. L. 1986, p. 982, § 25, not codified by the General Assembly, provided that that Act would apply to all cases filed on or after July 1, 1986.
Law reviews.
For article on the 2019 amendment of this Code section, see 36 Ga. St. U.L. Rev. 1 (2019).

Structure Georgia Code

Georgia Code

Title 5 - Appeal and Error

Chapter 6 - Certiorari and Appeals to Appellate Courts Generally

Article 2 - Appellate Practice

§ 5-6-30. Purpose of Article; Construction

§ 5-6-31. Entry of Judgment Defined

§ 5-6-32. Manner of Service of Notices and Other Papers Upon Parties; Waiver or Acknowledgment of Service

§ 5-6-33. Right of Appeal Generally

§ 5-6-34. Judgments and Rulings Deemed Directly Appealable; Procedure for Review of Judgments, Orders, or Decisions Not Subject to Direct Appeal; Scope of Review; Hearings in Criminal Cases Involving a Capital Offense for Which Death Penalty Is Sough...

§ 5-6-35. Cases Requiring Application for Appeal; Requirements for Application; Exhibits; Response; Issuance of Appellate Court Order Regarding Appeal; Procedure; Supersedeas; Jurisdiction of Appeal; Appeals Involving Nonmonetary Judgments in Custody...

§ 5-6-36. Filing of Motion for New Trial and Motion for Judgment Notwithstanding Verdict Where Appeal Taken From Judgment, Ruling, or Order

§ 5-6-37. Filing and Contents of Notice of Appeal; Service of Notice Upon Parties to Appeal

§ 5-6-38. Time of Filing Notice of Appeal; Cross Appeal; Record and Transcript for Cross Appeal; Division of Costs; Appeals in Capital Offense Cases for Which Death Penalty Is Sought

§ 5-6-39. Extensions of Time for Filing Notice of Appeal, Notice of Cross Appeal, Transcript of Evidence, Designation of Record and Other Similar Motions

§ 5-6-40. Enumeration of Errors

§ 5-6-41. Reporting, Preparation, and Disposition of Transcript; Correction of Omissions or Misstatements; Preparation of Transcript From Recollections; Filing of Disallowed Papers; Filing of Stipulations in Lieu of Transcript; Reporting at Party’s E...

§ 5-6-42. Procedure for Preparation and Filing of Transcript of Evidence and Proceedings Where Appellant Designates Matter to Be Omitted From Record on Appeal; Extensions of Time for Completion of Transcript

§ 5-6-43. Preparation and Transmittal of Record on Appeal by Court Clerk; Retention of Copy by Clerk; Furnishing at No Cost to Attorney General in Capital Cases; Notification Where Defendant Confined to Jail

§ 5-6-44. Authorization and Procedure Generally for Filing of Joint Appeals, Motions for New Trial, and Other Motions; Division of Costs Between Parties

§ 5-6-45. Operation of Notice of Appeal as Supersedeas in Criminal Cases; Bond; Review

§ 5-6-46. Operation of Notice of Appeal as Supersedeas in Civil Cases; Requirement of Supersedeas Bond or Other Security; Fixing of Amount; Procedure Upon No or Insufficient Filing; Effect of Bond as to Liability of Surety; Punitive Damages

§ 5-6-47. Operation of Notice of Appeal and Affidavit of Indigence as Supersedeas in Civil Cases; Procedure for Contests as to Truth of Affidavit

§ 5-6-48. Grounds for Dismissal of Appeal; Amendments; Correcting or Supplementing Record or Transcript; Effect of Dismissal of Appeal Upon Cross Appeal; Effect of Deficiencies Upon Consideration of Appeal

§ 5-6-49. Bills of Exceptions, Exceptions Pendente Lite, Assignments of Error Abolished; Contents of Motions for New Trial and for j.n.o.v

§ 5-6-50. Procedure Provided by Article Supersedes Former Appellate Procedure

§ 5-6-51. Forms