Georgia Code
Article 1 - In General
§ 47-1-6. Effect of World War Ii Armed Forces Service on Retirement Benefits; Payments to Retirement Systems for Such Periods

History. Ga. L. 1947, p. 858, §§ 1-3.
Cross references.
Rights of public officers and employees absent on military duty as members of organized militia or reserve forces, as such rights relate to retirement systems, § 38-2-279(f) .

Structure Georgia Code

Georgia Code

Title 47 - Retirement and Pensions

Chapter 1 - General Provisions

Article 1 - In General

§ 47-1-1. Intent of Codification and Enactment of This Title

§ 47-1-2. Pooling of Funds by Retirement Systems for Investment Purposes; Accounting Practices With Regard to Pooled Funds

§ 47-1-3. Power of a Local Retirement System to Hire an Actuary; Payment of the Administrative Costs of a Local Retirement System; Periodic Actuarial Investigations; Annual Financial Report

§ 47-1-4. Report of the State Auditor on the Condition of Local Retirement Systems

§ 47-1-5. Duty of Governing Authorities to Make and File Actuarial Investigations and to File Financial Reports; Withholding of State Funds for Failure to Meet This Duty

§ 47-1-6. Effect of World War Ii Armed Forces Service on Retirement Benefits; Payments to Retirement Systems for Such Periods

§ 47-1-7. Powers of Retirement, Pension, or Emeritus Systems or Funds With Regard to Agents Employed to Act as Custodians of Assets or Investment Advisers

§ 47-1-8. Restrictions on Ability of Members of the General Assembly to Receive Pension Plan Credit for Service in the General Assembly

§ 47-1-9. Crediting of Time Toward Georgia Legislative Retirement System; Restriction on Crediting; Options for Members; Refund of Contributions; Construction of Conflicting Provisions

§ 47-1-10. Adoption, Amendment, or Repeal of Rules by Boards of Trustees of State Retirement or Pension Systems; Procedure; Immediate Adoption; Filing of Rules With Secretary of State; Adoption of Rules and Regulations Appropriate or Necessary to Mai...

§ 47-1-11. Creditable Service Not Allowed for Military Service From Which Discharge Was Other Than Honorable

§ 47-1-12. Investment and Reinvestment of Assets of Local Retirement System; Valuation and Limitation on Investments; Duties of State Auditor

§ 47-1-13. Maximum Compensation Used in Computing Employee and Employer Contributions

§ 47-1-13.1. Annual Compensation Limits in Determining Benefits or Contributions Due

§ 47-1-14. “Retirement System” Defined; Records Exempt From Public Inspection

§ 47-1-15. Circumstances When Survivors Benefits Are Paid to Secondary Beneficiary

§ 47-1-16. Public Retirement Systems Prohibited From Having Insurable Interest in Members; Prohibition on Expending or Obligating Funds for Purchase of Life Insurance on Members; Exception

§ 47-1-17. Required Education for Public Retirement System Trustees