Georgia Code
Article 5 - Group Self-Insurance Funds
§ 34-9-164. Payment of Operating Expenses by Members of Fund; Liability of Members; Payment by Funds of Expenses of State Board of Workers’ Compensation; Legal Capacity of Funds

History. Code 1933, § 114-615a, enacted by Ga. L. 1980, p. 1686, § 1; Ga. L. 1981, p. 1759, § 1; Ga. L. 1995, p. 1201, § 13; Ga. L. 1996, p. 919, § 6.

Structure Georgia Code

Georgia Code

Title 34 - Labor and Industrial Relations

Chapter 9 - Workers’ Compensation

Article 5 - Group Self-Insurance Funds

§ 34-9-150. Purpose of Article

§ 34-9-151. Definitions

§ 34-9-151.1. Eligibility for Establishing a Fund

§ 34-9-151.2. Filing of Intent to Form Fund; Notice of Intent to Refuse to Issue Certificate of Authority

§ 34-9-152. Application to Commissioner for Certificate of Authority to Create Fund; Contents of Application; Filing Fee; Membership of Fund

§ 34-9-153. Issuance of Certificate of Authority; Grounds for Denial or Revocation; Annual Renewal Fee

§ 34-9-154. Compliance With Workers’ Compensation Obligations by Participation in Fund

§ 34-9-155. License Required for Solicitation of Membership or Participation in Fund; Procedure for Admission of New Members; Underwriting Criteria

§ 34-9-156. Voluntary Termination of Members; Grounds and Procedure for Involuntary Termination of Membership; Effect of Voluntary or Involuntary Termination on Obligations

§ 34-9-157. Boards of Trustees — Appointment of Members

§ 34-9-158. Boards of Trustees — Powers

§ 34-9-159. Annual Reports of Affairs and Operations of Funds; Additional Periodic Reports; Verification of Reports; Compliance Condition for Renewal of Certificates

§ 34-9-160. Method of Determining Financial Condition and Solvency of a Fund and Financial Capacity of Fund to Pay Obligations

§ 34-9-161. Securities Deposit; Excess Loss Funding Program

§ 34-9-162. Maintenance of Surplus and Expendable Surplus; Waiver of Surplus Requirements; Return of Surplus to Members of Fund

§ 34-9-163. Investment of Assets; Maintenance of Loss Reserves

§ 34-9-164. Payment of Operating Expenses by Members of Fund; Liability of Members; Payment by Funds of Expenses of State Board of Workers’ Compensation; Legal Capacity of Funds

§ 34-9-165. Requirements as to Contracts Between Funds and Administrators Not Employed by Funds

§ 34-9-166. Fiduciary Responsibilities of Trustees, Officers, or Administrators of Moneys

§ 34-9-167. Bond, Liability Insurance, and Resident Office of Administrator

§ 34-9-168. Grounds and Procedure for Restraining Transaction of Business by Fund or Administrator; Appointment of Receivers; Criminal Prosecution

§ 34-9-169. Revocation and Suspension of Certificates of Authority; Probation and Fine; Voluntary Dissolution or Termination of Functions

§ 34-9-171. Tax Exemption

§ 34-9-172. Examinations by Commissioner to Verify Solvency of Funds

§ 34-9-173. Remedy of Deficiencies in Surplus or Reserve; Initiation of Insolvency Proceedings; Assessments Upon Liquidation

§ 34-9-174. Promulgation of Rules and Regulations

§ 34-9-175. Hearings or Other Proceedings for Aggrieved Parties

§ 34-9-176. Service of Process; Venue of Actions

§ 34-9-177. Funds Not to Be Deemed Insurers

§ 34-9-178. Construction of Article

§ 34-9-179. Application of Chapter 6 of Title 33 to Funds; Enforcement by Commissioner

§ 34-9-180. Officials of Funds Prohibited From Having Pecuniary Interests in Transactions; Exceptions

§ 34-9-181. Administrative Fines, Probation, or Additional Penalties

§ 34-9-182. Deadline for Compliance