Georgia Code
Article 5 - Group Self-Insurance Funds
§ 34-9-155. License Required for Solicitation of Membership or Participation in Fund; Procedure for Admission of New Members; Underwriting Criteria

History. Code 1933, § 114-606a, enacted by Ga. L. 1980, p. 1686, § 1; Ga. L. 1981, p. 1759, § 1; Ga. L. 1993, p. 1365, § 3; Ga. L. 1995, p. 1201, § 5; Ga. L. 1996, p. 919, § 3.
U.S. Code.
Section 115 of the federal United States Internal Revenue Code, referred to in subparagraph (a)(2)(B), is codified as 26 U.S.C. § 115 .
Law reviews.
For note on the 1993 amendment of this Code section, see 10 Ga. St. U.L. Rev. 152 (1993).
For review of 1996 workers’ compensation legislation, see 13 Ga. St. U.L. Rev. 227 (1996).

Structure Georgia Code

Georgia Code

Title 34 - Labor and Industrial Relations

Chapter 9 - Workers’ Compensation

Article 5 - Group Self-Insurance Funds

§ 34-9-150. Purpose of Article

§ 34-9-151. Definitions

§ 34-9-151.1. Eligibility for Establishing a Fund

§ 34-9-151.2. Filing of Intent to Form Fund; Notice of Intent to Refuse to Issue Certificate of Authority

§ 34-9-152. Application to Commissioner for Certificate of Authority to Create Fund; Contents of Application; Filing Fee; Membership of Fund

§ 34-9-153. Issuance of Certificate of Authority; Grounds for Denial or Revocation; Annual Renewal Fee

§ 34-9-154. Compliance With Workers’ Compensation Obligations by Participation in Fund

§ 34-9-155. License Required for Solicitation of Membership or Participation in Fund; Procedure for Admission of New Members; Underwriting Criteria

§ 34-9-156. Voluntary Termination of Members; Grounds and Procedure for Involuntary Termination of Membership; Effect of Voluntary or Involuntary Termination on Obligations

§ 34-9-157. Boards of Trustees — Appointment of Members

§ 34-9-158. Boards of Trustees — Powers

§ 34-9-159. Annual Reports of Affairs and Operations of Funds; Additional Periodic Reports; Verification of Reports; Compliance Condition for Renewal of Certificates

§ 34-9-160. Method of Determining Financial Condition and Solvency of a Fund and Financial Capacity of Fund to Pay Obligations

§ 34-9-161. Securities Deposit; Excess Loss Funding Program

§ 34-9-162. Maintenance of Surplus and Expendable Surplus; Waiver of Surplus Requirements; Return of Surplus to Members of Fund

§ 34-9-163. Investment of Assets; Maintenance of Loss Reserves

§ 34-9-164. Payment of Operating Expenses by Members of Fund; Liability of Members; Payment by Funds of Expenses of State Board of Workers’ Compensation; Legal Capacity of Funds

§ 34-9-165. Requirements as to Contracts Between Funds and Administrators Not Employed by Funds

§ 34-9-166. Fiduciary Responsibilities of Trustees, Officers, or Administrators of Moneys

§ 34-9-167. Bond, Liability Insurance, and Resident Office of Administrator

§ 34-9-168. Grounds and Procedure for Restraining Transaction of Business by Fund or Administrator; Appointment of Receivers; Criminal Prosecution

§ 34-9-169. Revocation and Suspension of Certificates of Authority; Probation and Fine; Voluntary Dissolution or Termination of Functions

§ 34-9-171. Tax Exemption

§ 34-9-172. Examinations by Commissioner to Verify Solvency of Funds

§ 34-9-173. Remedy of Deficiencies in Surplus or Reserve; Initiation of Insolvency Proceedings; Assessments Upon Liquidation

§ 34-9-174. Promulgation of Rules and Regulations

§ 34-9-175. Hearings or Other Proceedings for Aggrieved Parties

§ 34-9-176. Service of Process; Venue of Actions

§ 34-9-177. Funds Not to Be Deemed Insurers

§ 34-9-178. Construction of Article

§ 34-9-179. Application of Chapter 6 of Title 33 to Funds; Enforcement by Commissioner

§ 34-9-180. Officials of Funds Prohibited From Having Pecuniary Interests in Transactions; Exceptions

§ 34-9-181. Administrative Fines, Probation, or Additional Penalties

§ 34-9-182. Deadline for Compliance