Georgia Code
Article 5 - Bill of Rights for Residents of Long-Term Care Facilities
§ 31-8-108. Required Care, Treatment, and Services; Rights in Regard Thereto; Experimental Research or Treatment

History. Code 1933, § 88-1914B, enacted by Ga. L. 1981, p. 149, § 1.
Cross references.
Consent for surgical or medical treatment generally, T. 31, C. 9.

Structure Georgia Code

Georgia Code

Title 31 - Health

Chapter 8 - Care and Protection of Indigent and Elderly Patients

Article 5 - Bill of Rights for Residents of Long-Term Care Facilities

§ 31-8-100. Short Title

§ 31-8-101. Legislative Intent

§ 31-8-102. Definitions

§ 31-8-103. Rights of Residents Generally

§ 31-8-104. Explanation of Rights; Acknowledgment of Explanation; Posting of Rights at Facilities

§ 31-8-105. Giving Certain Notices to Persons Who Became Residents Before July 1, 1981

§ 31-8-106. Information to Be Provided Residents Upon Admission; List of Current Rates and Services; Bill for Charges; Access to Nonmedical Records

§ 31-8-107. Refusal of Admission or Continued Residence on the Basis of History or Condition of Mental or Physical Disease or Disability

§ 31-8-108. Required Care, Treatment, and Services; Rights in Regard Thereto; Experimental Research or Treatment

§ 31-8-109. Use or Threat of Physical Restraints, Isolation, or Restrictions on Mobility

§ 31-8-110. Right to Select Pharmacy or Pharmacist; Charges for Pharmaceutical Supplies and Services; Information as to Purpose and Effects of Drugs

§ 31-8-111. Rights as Citizen

§ 31-8-112. Freedom From Duty to Perform Services for Facility; Right to Rise and Retire at Times of Resident’s Choice; Tobacco and Alcoholic Beverages; Freedom to Enter and Leave Facility

§ 31-8-113. Right to Retain and Use Personal Property at Facility; Provision of Secure Storage Space for Such Property; Records of Stored Property; Investigation of Complaints of Theft

§ 31-8-114. Right to Privacy

§ 31-8-115. Use of Payments Made to or on Behalf of a Resident; Right of Resident or His Guardian to Manage the Resident’s Financial Affairs; Assistance by Facility in Such Management

§ 31-8-116. Involuntary Transfer of Residents Discharged From Facility; Return to Facility After Transfer

§ 31-8-117. Suspension of Certain Rights Where Exercise Poses Danger to Self or Other Residents; Notice of Suspension; Duration

§ 31-8-118. Freedom From Interference in Exercise of Rights and Pursuit of Interests; Accommodation of Conflicting Rights; Voicing of Complaints and Recommendation of Changes

§ 31-8-119. Obtaining Contributions by Coercion; Use of Contributions Designated for a Restricted Purpose; Receipts and Records of Contributions

§ 31-8-120. Visitors; Right of Access

§ 31-8-121. Formation of Residents’ Council; Space for Meetings; Assistance in Attending Meetings; Compelling of Attendance or Participation

§ 31-8-122. Compliance With This Article by Facilities; Establishment by Facilities of Written Policies and Procedures; Familiarization of Facility Staff With This Article

§ 31-8-123. Use of State or Community Ombudsman to Resolve Residents’ Complaints

§ 31-8-124. Grievances

§ 31-8-125. Administrative Hearings

§ 31-8-126. Cause of Action Against Facility for Violation of Rights Under This Article; Civil Penalties; Applicability of Code Section 31-5-8

§ 31-8-127. Rules and Regulations