Georgia Code
Article 5 - Bill of Rights for Residents of Long-Term Care Facilities
§ 31-8-101. Legislative Intent

The General Assembly finds that persons residing within long-term care facilities are isolated from the community and often lack the means to assert fully their rights as individual citizens. The General Assembly further recognizes the need for these persons to live within the least restrictive environment possible in order to retain their individuality and personal freedom. It is therefore the intent of the General Assembly to preserve the dignity and personal integrity of residents of long-term care facilities through the recognition and declaration of rights safeguarding against encroachments upon each resident’s need for self-determination. It is the further intent of the General Assembly that this article complement and not duplicate or substitute for other survey and inspection programs regarding long-term care facilities.
History. Code 1933, § 88-1903B, enacted by Ga. L. 1981, p. 149, § 1.

Structure Georgia Code

Georgia Code

Title 31 - Health

Chapter 8 - Care and Protection of Indigent and Elderly Patients

Article 5 - Bill of Rights for Residents of Long-Term Care Facilities

§ 31-8-100. Short Title

§ 31-8-101. Legislative Intent

§ 31-8-102. Definitions

§ 31-8-103. Rights of Residents Generally

§ 31-8-104. Explanation of Rights; Acknowledgment of Explanation; Posting of Rights at Facilities

§ 31-8-105. Giving Certain Notices to Persons Who Became Residents Before July 1, 1981

§ 31-8-106. Information to Be Provided Residents Upon Admission; List of Current Rates and Services; Bill for Charges; Access to Nonmedical Records

§ 31-8-107. Refusal of Admission or Continued Residence on the Basis of History or Condition of Mental or Physical Disease or Disability

§ 31-8-108. Required Care, Treatment, and Services; Rights in Regard Thereto; Experimental Research or Treatment

§ 31-8-109. Use or Threat of Physical Restraints, Isolation, or Restrictions on Mobility

§ 31-8-110. Right to Select Pharmacy or Pharmacist; Charges for Pharmaceutical Supplies and Services; Information as to Purpose and Effects of Drugs

§ 31-8-111. Rights as Citizen

§ 31-8-112. Freedom From Duty to Perform Services for Facility; Right to Rise and Retire at Times of Resident’s Choice; Tobacco and Alcoholic Beverages; Freedom to Enter and Leave Facility

§ 31-8-113. Right to Retain and Use Personal Property at Facility; Provision of Secure Storage Space for Such Property; Records of Stored Property; Investigation of Complaints of Theft

§ 31-8-114. Right to Privacy

§ 31-8-115. Use of Payments Made to or on Behalf of a Resident; Right of Resident or His Guardian to Manage the Resident’s Financial Affairs; Assistance by Facility in Such Management

§ 31-8-116. Involuntary Transfer of Residents Discharged From Facility; Return to Facility After Transfer

§ 31-8-117. Suspension of Certain Rights Where Exercise Poses Danger to Self or Other Residents; Notice of Suspension; Duration

§ 31-8-118. Freedom From Interference in Exercise of Rights and Pursuit of Interests; Accommodation of Conflicting Rights; Voicing of Complaints and Recommendation of Changes

§ 31-8-119. Obtaining Contributions by Coercion; Use of Contributions Designated for a Restricted Purpose; Receipts and Records of Contributions

§ 31-8-120. Visitors; Right of Access

§ 31-8-121. Formation of Residents’ Council; Space for Meetings; Assistance in Attending Meetings; Compelling of Attendance or Participation

§ 31-8-122. Compliance With This Article by Facilities; Establishment by Facilities of Written Policies and Procedures; Familiarization of Facility Staff With This Article

§ 31-8-123. Use of State or Community Ombudsman to Resolve Residents’ Complaints

§ 31-8-124. Grievances

§ 31-8-125. Administrative Hearings

§ 31-8-126. Cause of Action Against Facility for Violation of Rights Under This Article; Civil Penalties; Applicability of Code Section 31-5-8

§ 31-8-127. Rules and Regulations