Georgia Code
Article 15 - Hospital Acquisition
§ 31-7-411. Attorney General’s Power Under Article Same as Under Code Section 45-15-17

In connection with the Attorney General’s responsibilities under this article and in connection with the public hearing required by this article, the Attorney General shall have the same power to investigate and issue subpoenas as the Attorney General has with respect to investigations authorized under Code Section 45-15-17.
History. Code 1981, § 31-7-411 , enacted by Ga. L. 1997, p. 1091, § 1.

Structure Georgia Code

Georgia Code

Title 31 - Health

Chapter 7 - Regulation and Construction of Hospitals and Other Health Care Facilities

Article 15 - Hospital Acquisition

§ 31-7-400. Definitions

§ 31-7-401. Notice to Attorney General of Acquisition

§ 31-7-402. Content and Form of Notice to Attorney General; Retention of Experts; Payment of Costs and Expenses

§ 31-7-403. Certification of Interest in Acquiring Entity; Certification of Financial Interest in Business Associated With Party to Disposition; Statement of Fair Dealing; Opposing Board Members Exempt

§ 31-7-404. Publication of Notice

§ 31-7-405. Public Hearing; Expert or Consultant Required to Testify; Testimony; Representative of Acquiring Entity to Testify

§ 31-7-406. Purpose of Public Hearing; Factors to Be Addressed in Disclosure

§ 31-7-407. Attorney General to Ensure Compliance With Article; Other Persons Not Precluded From Instituting Judicial Proceedings

§ 31-7-407.1. Report of Findings

§ 31-7-408. Notice Required Prior to Issuance or Renewal of Permit to Operate Hospital; Permit Subject to Revocation or Suspension for Failure to Comply

§ 31-7-409. Prospective Operation of Article

§ 31-7-410. Authority of Attorney General Unaffected

§ 31-7-411. Attorney General’s Power Under Article Same as Under Code Section 45-15-17

§ 31-7-412. Disposition or Acquisition Made in Violation of Requirements of Article Null and Void; Violators Subject to Fine; Attorney General to Instigate Proceedings to Impose Fine Within One Year