Georgia Code
Article 15 - Hospital Acquisition
§ 31-7-409. Prospective Operation of Article

History. Code 1981, § 31-7-409 , enacted by Ga. L. 1997, p. 1091, § 1; Ga. L. 1999, p. 850, § 2.
Code Commission notes.
Pursuant to Code Section 28-9-5, in 1997, “October 31, 1997,” was substituted for “the effective date of this article” in two places.
Pursuant to Code Section 28-9-5, in 1999, “April 28,” was substituted for “the date this subsection becomes effective in” in subsection (b).

Structure Georgia Code

Georgia Code

Title 31 - Health

Chapter 7 - Regulation and Construction of Hospitals and Other Health Care Facilities

Article 15 - Hospital Acquisition

§ 31-7-400. Definitions

§ 31-7-401. Notice to Attorney General of Acquisition

§ 31-7-402. Content and Form of Notice to Attorney General; Retention of Experts; Payment of Costs and Expenses

§ 31-7-403. Certification of Interest in Acquiring Entity; Certification of Financial Interest in Business Associated With Party to Disposition; Statement of Fair Dealing; Opposing Board Members Exempt

§ 31-7-404. Publication of Notice

§ 31-7-405. Public Hearing; Expert or Consultant Required to Testify; Testimony; Representative of Acquiring Entity to Testify

§ 31-7-406. Purpose of Public Hearing; Factors to Be Addressed in Disclosure

§ 31-7-407. Attorney General to Ensure Compliance With Article; Other Persons Not Precluded From Instituting Judicial Proceedings

§ 31-7-407.1. Report of Findings

§ 31-7-408. Notice Required Prior to Issuance or Renewal of Permit to Operate Hospital; Permit Subject to Revocation or Suspension for Failure to Comply

§ 31-7-409. Prospective Operation of Article

§ 31-7-410. Authority of Attorney General Unaffected

§ 31-7-411. Attorney General’s Power Under Article Same as Under Code Section 45-15-17

§ 31-7-412. Disposition or Acquisition Made in Violation of Requirements of Article Null and Void; Violators Subject to Fine; Attorney General to Instigate Proceedings to Impose Fine Within One Year