Georgia Code
Article 1 - Regulation of Hospitals and Related Institutions
§ 31-7-12.2. Regulation and Licensing of Assisted Living Communities; Legislative Intent; Definitions; Procedures; Requirements for Medication Aides

History. Code 1981, § 31-7-12.2 , enacted by Ga. L. 2011, p. 227, § 1/SB 178; Ga. L. 2012, p. 775, § 31/HB 942; Ga. L. 2019, p. 1052, § 1/HB 374; Ga. L. 2020, p. 95, § 6/HB 987.
U.S. Code.
Title XIX of the Social Security Act, referred to in this Code section, is codified at 42 U.S.C. § 1396 et seq.
The 2019 amendment, effective May 11, 2019, substituted “such” for “the” in the second sentence of paragraph (g)(2) and in the first and second sentences in paragraph (g)(8); substituted “state approved” for “state-approved” in subparagraph (g)(3)(B); deleted “and” at the end of subparagraph (g)(7)(E); added “; and” at the end of subparagraph (g)(7)(F); and added subparagraph (g)(7)(G); inserted “shall” following “administered and” in the middle of the second sentence of paragraph (g)(8); and substituted “when” for “where” in the middle of subparagraph (g)(10)(B).
The 2020 amendment, effective June 30, 2020, in subsection (b), deleted “and” at the end of subparagraph (b)(2)(B); substituted “; and” for a period at the end of subparagraph (b)(2)(C); added subparagraph (b)(2)(D); substituted “office of Safety Fire Commissioner” for “Office of the Safety Fire Commissioner” at the end of paragraph (b)(4); added paragraphs (b)(6) and (b)(7); inserted “or for limited nursing services provided by a registered professional nurse or licensed practical nurse pursuant to subparagraph (b)(2)(D) of this Code section” in the second sentence of subsection (f); and added subsections (j) and (k).
Code Commission notes.
Pursuant to Code Section 28-9-5, in 2011, “31-2-8” was substituted for “31-2-11” at the end of paragraph (c)(7).
Pursuant to Code Section 28-9-5, in 2019, “aide in effect prior to May 11, 2019” was substituted for “aide in effect prior to the effective date of this subparagraph” at the end of the last sentence of subparagraph (g)(7)(G).
Editor’s notes.
For application of this statute in 2020 and 2021, see Executive Orders,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and
A listing of Executive Orders issued in 2020 and 2021 can be found at

Structure Georgia Code

Georgia Code

Title 31 - Health

Chapter 7 - Regulation and Construction of Hospitals and Other Health Care Facilities

Article 1 - Regulation of Hospitals and Related Institutions

§ 31-7-1. Definitions

§ 31-7-2. Classification of Institutions

§ 31-7-2.1. Rules and Regulations; Availability of Reports of Cited Deficiencies; Disclosure of Survey Worksheets and Documents

§ 31-7-2.2. Determination That Patients or Residents in an Institution, Community Living Arrangement, or Treatment Program Are in Danger; Relocation of Patients or Residents; Suspension of Admissions

§ 31-7-3. Requirements for Permits to Operate Institutions

§ 31-7-3.1. Posting Sign by Hospital Operating Emergency Room Notifying Individuals of Legal Rights in Emergencies

§ 31-7-3.2. Notice of Cited Deficiency and Imposition of Sanction

§ 31-7-3.3. “Excluded Party” Defined; Liability; Notice; Dismissal; Other Procedural Factors

§ 31-7-3.4. Carrying of Liability Insurance or Establishment of Self-Insurance Trust as Condition Precedent to Obtaining or Maintaining Permit

§ 31-7-4. Denial or Revocation of Permits

§ 31-7-5. Exemptions From Permit Requirements; Application of This Chapter to Federally Operated Institutions

§ 31-7-6. Provision of Data for Research Purposes by Organizations Rendering Patient Care; Liability of Providers of Data; Use of Data; Confidentiality

§ 31-7-7. Refusal or Revocation by Public Hospital of Staff Privileges

§ 31-7-7.1. Denial of Staff Privileges Based Upon License, Board Certification, or Membership in Professional Association

§ 31-7-8. Reports of Disciplinary Actions Against Persons Authorized to Practice Professions Under Chapter 11, 34, or 35 of Title 43

§ 31-7-9. Reports by Physicians and Other Personnel of Nonaccidental Injuries to Patients; Immunity From Liability

§ 31-7-10. Certification and Approval of Hospitals Eligible to Render Service Under a Group Nonprofit Hospital Insurance Plan; Supervision of Such Hospitals; Withdrawal of Approval

§ 31-7-11. Written Summary of Hospital Service Charge Rates

§ 31-7-12. Personal Care Homes; Licensure and Registration; Inspection by Local Boards; Fees; Investigations; Waiver, Variance, or Exemption; Staffing, Training, and Financial Stability Requirements; Certified Medication Aides

§ 31-7-12.1. Unlicensed Personal Care Home; Civil Penalties; Negligence per Se for Certain Legal Claims; Declared Nuisance Dangerous to Public Health, Safety, and Welfare; Criminal Sanctions

§ 31-7-12.2. Regulation and Licensing of Assisted Living Communities; Legislative Intent; Definitions; Procedures; Requirements for Medication Aides

§ 31-7-12.3. Adoption of Rules and Regulations to Implement Code Sections 31-7-12 and 31-7-12.2

§ 31-7-12.4. Certificate for Operation of Memory Care Center Required; Staffing and Training Requirements; Other Requirements; Regulation

§ 31-7-12.5. Notification and Other Requirements for Covid-19 Infections in Personal Care Homes

§ 31-7-12.6. Sars Cov-2 Testing for Residents and Staff in Long-Term Care Facilities

§ 31-7-12.7. Employment of Certified Medication Aides in Nursing Homes; Competency Review; Authorized Task; Review by Pharmacists; Ongoing Medication Training; Administration of Narcotics Prohibited

§ 31-7-12.8. Employer Sponsored Certified Nurse Aide Training and Competency Examination Programs

§ 31-7-13. Transfer of Property Upon Death of Patient

§ 31-7-14. Blood Supplies; Blood Donor Storage Programs

§ 31-7-15. Review of Professional Practices by a Peer Review Committee

§ 31-7-16. Determination or Pronouncement of Death of Patient Who Died in Facility Classified as Nursing Home

§ 31-7-17. Licensure and Regulation of Hospitals and Related Institutions Transferred to Department of Community Health

§ 31-7-18. Vaccinations for Influenza and Pneumococcal Disease for Certain Discharged Patients;vaccinations or Other Measures for Health Care Workers and Other Employees in Hospitals; Immunity From Liability; Standing Orders

§ 31-7-19. Nursing Homes to Annually Offer Influenza Vaccinations to Health Care Workers and Other Employees; Immunity From Liability

§ 31-7-20. Medical Facilities to Make Good Faith Application to Southern Regional Tricare Managed Care Support Coordinator for Certification in the Tricare Program

§ 31-7-21. Provision of Influenza Education Information to Assisted Living Community Residents

§ 31-7-22. Required Publication by Hospital of Certain Documentation on Website; Updating; Penalty for Noncompliance; Enforcement; Individual Criminal Penalty

§ 31-7-23. Surgical Smoke