Georgia Code
Chapter 12 - Control of Hazardous Conditions, Preventable Diseases, and Metabolic Disorders
§ 31-12-3.1. Vaccination Registry; Reporting Requirements, Maintenance, and Use of Information

Vaccination data reporting requirements, including without limitation the types of data required to be reported and the time and manner of reporting such data, shall begin after the registry has established linkages to vaccine providers and shall be established by the department in consultation with the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Georgia chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics, and the Georgia Academy of Family Physicians.
without the consent of the person or the person’s parents or guardians.
History. Code 1981, § 31-12-3.1 , enacted by Ga. L. 1996, p. 646, § 1; Ga. L. 2004, p. 439, § 1; Ga. L. 2021, p. 782, § 8/SB 46.
The 2021 amendment, effective May 10, 2021, rewrote subsection (e), which read: “Individually identifiable vaccination information regarding a person may be provided to the department by, or released by the department to, a local health department, hospital, physician, or other provider of medical services to the person or to a school or child care facility in which the person is enrolled if the person is 18 years of age or younger without the consent of the person or the person’s parents or guardians. All persons shall be enrolled unless a specific exemption is requested by the person or the person’s parent or guardian if the person is 18 years of age or younger. A parent or guardian may obtain and upon request to the department shall be provided with all individually identifiable vaccination registry information regarding his or her child or ward. Except as provided otherwise by this Code section, individually identifiable vaccination registry information shall be treated as confidential and shall not be released to a third party without consent of the person or the person’s parent or guardian if the person is 18 years of age or younger.”
Editor’s notes.
For application of this statute in 2020 , see Executive Order
A listing of Executive Orders issued in 2020 can be found at
Law reviews.
For note, “Who Calls the Shots?: Parents Versus the Parens Patriae Power of the States to Mandate Vaccines for Children in New York,” see 37 Ga. St. U.L. Rev. 637 (2021).

Structure Georgia Code

Georgia Code

Title 31 - Health

Chapter 12 - Control of Hazardous Conditions, Preventable Diseases, and Metabolic Disorders

§ 31-12-1. Power to Conduct Research and Studies

§ 31-12-1.1. “Bioterrorism” and “Public Health Emergency” Defined

§ 31-12-2. Reporting Certain Diseases and Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome; Confidentiality; Reporting Required of Pharmacists; Immunity From Liability as to Information Supplied; Notification of Potential Bioterrorism

§ 31-12-2.1. Investigation of Potential Bioterrorism Activity; Regulations and Planning for Public Health Emergencies

§ 31-12-3. Power to Require Immunization and Other Preventive Measures

§ 31-12-3.1. Vaccination Registry; Reporting Requirements, Maintenance, and Use of Information

§ 31-12-3.2. Meningococcal Disease; Vaccinations; Disclosures

§ 31-12-4. Isolation and Segregation of Diseased Persons; Quarantine

§ 31-12-4.1. Smallpox Vaccination and Treatment Program

§ 31-12-5. State-Wide Network for Medical Genetics Services

§ 31-12-6. System for Prevention of Serious Illness, Severe Physical or Developmental Disability, and Death Resulting From Inherited Metabolic and Genetic Disorders; Establishment of Newborn Screening and Genetics Advisory Committee

§ 31-12-7. Rules and Regulations Regarding Tests for Sickle Cell Anemia, Sickle Cell Trait, and Other Metabolic and Genetic Disorders; Counseling; Fees

§ 31-12-8. Occupational Health and Safety

§ 31-12-9. Importation, Sale, and Breeding of Animals and Birds to Be Kept as Pets

§ 31-12-10. Right of Entry to Facility

§ 31-12-11. Abating Operation of Bathhouses

§ 31-12-12. Restrictions on Sale or Dispensing of Contact Lenses and Spectacles; Definitions; Responsibilities Relating to Prescriptions; Criminal Violation; Enforcement

§ 31-12-13. Definitions Concerning Bloodborne Pathogens; Standards; Funds for Research and Development

§ 31-12-14. Cancer Research Program Fund; Contributions; Accounting