Georgia Code
Part 2 - University System
§ 20-3-61. How Conveyances Executed

In case of any sale, lease, or disposition of property under Code Section 20-3-60, the board of regents, through its proper officers, and the Governor, on behalf of the state, shall execute and deliver such written evidence of title or of the creation of a leasehold interest as may be necessary.
History. Ga. L. 1935, p. 168, § 2.
Cross references.
Authority of board of regents to convey or lease property to municipal or county housing authorities for construction of dormitory housing projects, § 8-3-17 .

Structure Georgia Code

Georgia Code

Title 20 - Education

Chapter 3 - Postsecondary Education

Article 2 - Board of Regents and University System

Part 2 - University System

§ 20-3-50. Institutions in System

§ 20-3-51. Regents to Govern System

§ 20-3-52. Continuation of Acts as to University of Georgia

§ 20-3-53. Authority to Allocate Appropriations Among Institutions

§ 20-3-54. Use of Funds Donated for Particular Institution

§ 20-3-55. Payment of Appropriations; Bond of Official Receiving Funds; Use of Fees by Institutions

§ 20-3-56. Trust Funds or Property Vested in Regents on Behalf of Particular Institution

§ 20-3-57. Property of Institutions Vested in Regents Separately

§ 20-3-58. Condemnation of Private or Public Property for System

§ 20-3-59. Power of Local School Boards to Add Facilities to University System; Bond Issues

§ 20-3-60. When Properties of System May Be Sold, Leased, or Otherwise Disposed Of; Effect of Restrictions on Use; Works of Art

§ 20-3-61. How Conveyances Executed

§ 20-3-62. Use of Proceeds From Conveyances

§ 20-3-63. Refunding State Obligations Held by Regents — Authority to Issue Bonds

§ 20-3-64. Issuing State Bonds to Redeem Obligations of University System — Option of Regents; Compliance With Constitutional Sinking Fund Provisions

§ 20-3-65. No Exclusion From University of Georgia for Religious Beliefs

§ 20-3-66. Determination of In-State Resident Status of Students for Tuition or Fees

§ 20-3-67. Powers of Regents Over System and Institutions Over Students Not Limited by Lowering Age of Majority

§ 20-3-68. Instruction in Essentials of United States and Georgia History and Constitutions

§ 20-3-69. Chancellor of System May Appear Before General Assembly

§ 20-3-71. Nuclear Facility Liability Insurance for Schools Under Regents

§ 20-3-72. Arrest Powers of Campus Policemen and Security Personnel

§ 20-3-73. Director of Agricultural Matters

§ 20-3-73.1. Georgia Agrirama Designated as State Museum of Agriculture

§ 20-3-73.2. Continuation of Authority; Governance of Museum; Transfer of Assets

§ 20-3-73.3. Georgia Southern University Herty Advanced Materials Development Center

§ 20-3-74. Advisory Board of College of Veterinary Medicine — Creation; Officers; Meetings

§ 20-3-75. Advisory Board of the College of Veterinary Medicine — Duties; Cooperation of College Personnel

§ 20-3-76. Advisory Board of the College of Veterinary Medicine — Reports to General Assembly

§ 20-3-77. Coordination of Education Encouraging Development of Small Business

§ 20-3-77.1. Training Programs for Professors and Instructors in Computers and Advanced Electronic Instructional Technology; Implementation; Funding

§ 20-3-78. Athletic Associations — Corporate Nature

§ 20-3-79. Athletic Associations — Not Subject to Limitations on State Agencies; Financial Operation Regulations; State Audits Not Required; Exception of Appropriations

§ 20-3-80. Athletic Associations — Agreements as to Use of State Property

§ 20-3-82. Georgia Eminent Scholars Endowment Trust Fund

§ 20-3-83. Deductions for Contributions or Dues to Interdisciplinary Charitable Associations

§ 20-3-85. Study Examining Postsecondary Text Availability in Alternative Formats

§ 20-3-87. Requirement to Join Professional Association as a Condition of Enrollment Prohibited