Georgia Code
Part 2 - University System
§ 20-3-55. Payment of Appropriations; Bond of Official Receiving Funds; Use of Fees by Institutions

The Office of the State Treasurer is directed, out of any unexpended appropriation to the University of Georgia and any of its branches, to pay to the board of regents, at periods and times provided by law, such sums as may be requisitioned by the board and as may be approved by the Governor, upon warrants of the Governor, to and for the use of the University of Georgia or any of its branches or any or each of them, respectively. All money or sums of money payable under this Code section to the board shall be paid to an official elected or appointed by the board, which official shall, on or before entering upon the discharge of his duties, give good and solvent bond with a surety company qualified to do business in this state as surety for the faithful performance of his duties and faithful accounting for all moneys coming into his hands as such official, which bond shall be payable to the Governor and his successor in office. The premium for such bond may be paid out of funds lawfully coming into the hands of the board. The board, however, in its discretion, may authorize the local treasurer of any of the educational institutions to retain such matriculation and other fees as the board deems proper to facilitate the prompt payment of incidental expenses of said institution, strict account being made to the board as to all such receipts and expenditures.
History. Ga. L. 1931, p. 7, § 73; Code 1933, § 32-132; Ga. L. 1972, p. 1015, § 408B; Ga. L. 1993, p. 1402, § 18; Ga. L. 2010, p. 863, § 2/SB 296.
Cross references.
Official bonds generally, T. 45, C. 4.

Structure Georgia Code

Georgia Code

Title 20 - Education

Chapter 3 - Postsecondary Education

Article 2 - Board of Regents and University System

Part 2 - University System

§ 20-3-50. Institutions in System

§ 20-3-51. Regents to Govern System

§ 20-3-52. Continuation of Acts as to University of Georgia

§ 20-3-53. Authority to Allocate Appropriations Among Institutions

§ 20-3-54. Use of Funds Donated for Particular Institution

§ 20-3-55. Payment of Appropriations; Bond of Official Receiving Funds; Use of Fees by Institutions

§ 20-3-56. Trust Funds or Property Vested in Regents on Behalf of Particular Institution

§ 20-3-57. Property of Institutions Vested in Regents Separately

§ 20-3-58. Condemnation of Private or Public Property for System

§ 20-3-59. Power of Local School Boards to Add Facilities to University System; Bond Issues

§ 20-3-60. When Properties of System May Be Sold, Leased, or Otherwise Disposed Of; Effect of Restrictions on Use; Works of Art

§ 20-3-61. How Conveyances Executed

§ 20-3-62. Use of Proceeds From Conveyances

§ 20-3-63. Refunding State Obligations Held by Regents — Authority to Issue Bonds

§ 20-3-64. Issuing State Bonds to Redeem Obligations of University System — Option of Regents; Compliance With Constitutional Sinking Fund Provisions

§ 20-3-65. No Exclusion From University of Georgia for Religious Beliefs

§ 20-3-66. Determination of In-State Resident Status of Students for Tuition or Fees

§ 20-3-67. Powers of Regents Over System and Institutions Over Students Not Limited by Lowering Age of Majority

§ 20-3-68. Instruction in Essentials of United States and Georgia History and Constitutions

§ 20-3-69. Chancellor of System May Appear Before General Assembly

§ 20-3-71. Nuclear Facility Liability Insurance for Schools Under Regents

§ 20-3-72. Arrest Powers of Campus Policemen and Security Personnel

§ 20-3-73. Director of Agricultural Matters

§ 20-3-73.1. Georgia Agrirama Designated as State Museum of Agriculture

§ 20-3-73.2. Continuation of Authority; Governance of Museum; Transfer of Assets

§ 20-3-73.3. Georgia Southern University Herty Advanced Materials Development Center

§ 20-3-74. Advisory Board of College of Veterinary Medicine — Creation; Officers; Meetings

§ 20-3-75. Advisory Board of the College of Veterinary Medicine — Duties; Cooperation of College Personnel

§ 20-3-76. Advisory Board of the College of Veterinary Medicine — Reports to General Assembly

§ 20-3-77. Coordination of Education Encouraging Development of Small Business

§ 20-3-77.1. Training Programs for Professors and Instructors in Computers and Advanced Electronic Instructional Technology; Implementation; Funding

§ 20-3-78. Athletic Associations — Corporate Nature

§ 20-3-79. Athletic Associations — Not Subject to Limitations on State Agencies; Financial Operation Regulations; State Audits Not Required; Exception of Appropriations

§ 20-3-80. Athletic Associations — Agreements as to Use of State Property

§ 20-3-82. Georgia Eminent Scholars Endowment Trust Fund

§ 20-3-83. Deductions for Contributions or Dues to Interdisciplinary Charitable Associations

§ 20-3-85. Study Examining Postsecondary Text Availability in Alternative Formats

§ 20-3-87. Requirement to Join Professional Association as a Condition of Enrollment Prohibited