Georgia Code
Subpart 2 - Educational Loans Financed by Revenue Bonds
§ 20-3-355. Tax Exemptions of Authority and Its Bonds and Notes; Exceptions

The authority is a duly created public corporation and political subdivision of the state and is performing essential governmental functions in the exercise of its corporate purposes. Accordingly, the authority shall not be required to pay and shall be exempt and free from the payment of any taxes and assessments to the state or to any county, municipality, or other political subdivision of the state, upon any of its property or upon its obligations or other evidences of indebtedness issued pursuant to this subpart and part, or upon any moneys, funds, revenues, or other income held or received by it; and the bonds and notes issued by the authority and the income from such bonds or notes shall also at all times be exempt from taxation within the state, except for death and gift taxes and taxes of transfers. Real property owned by the authority shall be exempt from all property taxation and special assessments of the state or political subdivisions of the state, but the authority may agree to pay, in lieu of such taxes, such amounts as it finds consistent with the cost to the state or political subdivision of supplying municipal services to it and maintaining its economic feasibility, which payments such bodies are authorized to accept. The exemption from taxation provided in this Code section shall not, however, extend to nor include any exemption from sales and use taxes on property purchased by or for the use of the authority.
History. Ga. L. 1969, p. 683, § 27; Code 1933, § 32-3741, enacted by Ga. L. 1980, p. 835, § 3.

Structure Georgia Code

Georgia Code

Title 20 - Education

Chapter 3 - Postsecondary Education

Article 7 - Scholarships, Loans, and Grants

Part 3 - Georgia Student Finance Authority

Subpart 2 - Educational Loans Financed by Revenue Bonds

§ 20-3-340. Legislative Findings; Purpose of Subpart

§ 20-3-341. Definitions

§ 20-3-342. Educational Loan Program Activities Authorized; Powers and Duties of Authority

§ 20-3-343. Credit of State Not Pledged for Payment of Authority Obligations; Revenues and Assets Available for Payment

§ 20-3-344. Issuance of Bonds and Notes of Authority; Amount; Interest; Form; Execution; Use of Proceeds; Validation

§ 20-3-345. Trust Agreements Authorized; Provisions of Trust Agreements and Bond Resolutions

§ 20-3-346. Lien of Pledge of Revenues or Assets of Authority

§ 20-3-347. Moneys Received by Authority Deemed Trust Funds; Investment

§ 20-3-348. Rights of Holders of Obligations of Authority

§ 20-3-349. Obligations of Authority Are Negotiable Instruments

§ 20-3-350. Obligations of Authority Are Legal Investments and Deposits

§ 20-3-351. Issuance of Refunding Obligations by Authority

§ 20-3-352. Reserve or Replacement Funds of Authority

§ 20-3-353. Exemption of Directors and Officers of Authority From Personal Liability

§ 20-3-354. Payment of Expenses From Appropriations and Income

§ 20-3-355. Tax Exemptions of Authority and Its Bonds and Notes; Exceptions

§ 20-3-356. Interests of Bondholders Protected

§ 20-3-357. Termination or Dissolution of Authority

§ 20-3-358. SubPart And Part Deemed Supplemental to Other Laws