Georgia Code
Subpart 2 - Educational Loans Financed by Revenue Bonds
§ 20-3-349. Obligations of Authority Are Negotiable Instruments

Notwithstanding Code Sections 20-3-340 through 20-3-348 or any recitals in any obligations issued by the authority under this subpart, all such obligations and interest coupons appertaining thereto shall be and are made negotiable instruments under the laws of the state, subject only to any applicable provisions for registration.
History. Ga. L. 1969, p. 683, § 24; Code 1933, § 32-3735, enacted by Ga. L. 1980, p. 835, § 3.
Cross references.
Investment securities, § 11-8-101 et seq.

Structure Georgia Code

Georgia Code

Title 20 - Education

Chapter 3 - Postsecondary Education

Article 7 - Scholarships, Loans, and Grants

Part 3 - Georgia Student Finance Authority

Subpart 2 - Educational Loans Financed by Revenue Bonds

§ 20-3-340. Legislative Findings; Purpose of Subpart

§ 20-3-341. Definitions

§ 20-3-342. Educational Loan Program Activities Authorized; Powers and Duties of Authority

§ 20-3-343. Credit of State Not Pledged for Payment of Authority Obligations; Revenues and Assets Available for Payment

§ 20-3-344. Issuance of Bonds and Notes of Authority; Amount; Interest; Form; Execution; Use of Proceeds; Validation

§ 20-3-345. Trust Agreements Authorized; Provisions of Trust Agreements and Bond Resolutions

§ 20-3-346. Lien of Pledge of Revenues or Assets of Authority

§ 20-3-347. Moneys Received by Authority Deemed Trust Funds; Investment

§ 20-3-348. Rights of Holders of Obligations of Authority

§ 20-3-349. Obligations of Authority Are Negotiable Instruments

§ 20-3-350. Obligations of Authority Are Legal Investments and Deposits

§ 20-3-351. Issuance of Refunding Obligations by Authority

§ 20-3-352. Reserve or Replacement Funds of Authority

§ 20-3-353. Exemption of Directors and Officers of Authority From Personal Liability

§ 20-3-354. Payment of Expenses From Appropriations and Income

§ 20-3-355. Tax Exemptions of Authority and Its Bonds and Notes; Exceptions

§ 20-3-356. Interests of Bondholders Protected

§ 20-3-357. Termination or Dissolution of Authority

§ 20-3-358. SubPart And Part Deemed Supplemental to Other Laws