Georgia Code
Article 3 - Agricultural Commodity Commission for Peanuts
§ 2-8-62. Recommendation of Promulgation of Marketing Order; Permissible Provisions of Orders; Effectiveness of Orders Heretofore Adopted and in Effect on July 1, 1989

History. Code 1981, § 2-8-62 , enacted by Ga. L. 1989, p. 1420, § 1; Ga. L. 1995, p. 10, § 2.

Structure Georgia Code

Georgia Code

Title 2 - Agriculture

Chapter 8 - Agricultural Commodities Promotion

Article 3 - Agricultural Commodity Commission for Peanuts

§ 2-8-50. Applicability of Article

§ 2-8-51. Definitions

§ 2-8-52. Commission Continued in Existence; Powers and Duties; Continuation of Certain Rules, Regulations, and Orders; Periodic Determination as to Continuation of Commission

§ 2-8-53. Membership of Commission; Division of Peanut-Producing Counties Into Districts; Election of Members; Compensation and Expenses; Certification of Members to Secretary of State

§ 2-8-54. Authority; Legal Representation; Acceptance and Use of Donations, Gifts, and Other Property; Exercise of Powers of Corporations; Continuation of Existence of Commission; Authority to Lease or Purchase Property

§ 2-8-55. Commission as Public Corporation; Name Used in Contracts and Legal Proceedings; Chairman; Quorum; Oath of Office; Certification of Election

§ 2-8-56. Receipt, Collection, and Disbursal of Funds

§ 2-8-57. Funds Held in Trust; Deposit, Accounting, and Disbursal of Funds; Exemption From Requirements Applicable to State Funds

§ 2-8-58. Bond of Persons Handling Funds Under Article; Signing of Checks, Drafts, and Negotiable Instruments; Election, Powers, and Duties of Treasurer

§ 2-8-59. Liability of Commission Members

§ 2-8-60. Authority to Confer With and Make Information Available to Governmental Authorities of This State, Other States, and the United States

§ 2-8-61. Issuance, Administration, and Enforcement of Marketing Orders; Notice and Hearing as to Proposed Order; Information From Persons Who May Be Affected by Order

§ 2-8-62. Recommendation of Promulgation of Marketing Order; Permissible Provisions of Orders; Effectiveness of Orders Heretofore Adopted and in Effect on July 1, 1989

§ 2-8-63. Finding of Assent or Approval of Producers Required for Marketing Order to Become Effective; Commission Authorized to Issue Orders Regulating Peanuts; Amendments; Notice; Rules and Regulations; Expiration and Extension of Orders

§ 2-8-64. Limiting of Application of Marketing Order to Certain Marketing Areas or Portions of State

§ 2-8-65. Seasonal Marketing Regulations; Legislative Findings; Interpretation of Code Section

§ 2-8-66. Applicability of Orders Regulating Minimum Quality, Condition, Size, or Maturity

§ 2-8-67. Assessments to Defray Expenses of Marketing Orders; Budgets for Administration; Authority to Borrow Money; Contributions in Lieu of Advance Deposits; Collection of Assessments; Rules; Enforcement of Payment; Deposit and Disbursement of Mone...

§ 2-8-68. Assessment Constitutes Personal Debt; Action for Collection; Fee for Late Payment; Remedies Cumulative

§ 2-8-69. Books and Records of Processors and Distributors; Furnishing Information to Commission; Inspection of Books and Records; Confidentiality; Enforcement

§ 2-8-70. Use of Designations of Grade, Quality, or Condition Without Complying With Regulations or Marketing Order

§ 2-8-71. Entry and Inspection of Premises to Check Compliance With Marketing Order; Holding of Lot of Peanuts to Ascertain Compliance; Affixing of Notice of Noncompliance; Service of Notice of Noncompliance; Correction of Deficiencies; Disposal of L...

§ 2-8-72. Civil Penalty; Fixing Amount of Penalty; Civil Action; Disposition of Moneys

§ 2-8-73. Action by Attorney General for Civil Penalties or Injunctive Relief; Remedies Court May Impose; Payment of Costs

§ 2-8-74. Referral of Complaints to Attorney General or Prosecuting Attorney; Hearing to Consider Charges; Cease and Desist Order

§ 2-8-75. False or Fraudulent Reports, Statements, and Records; Failure or Refusal to Give Name and Address of Person From Whom Peanuts Received

§ 2-8-76. Criminal Penalty

§ 2-8-77. Construction of Penalty and Remedy Provisions

§ 2-8-78. Applicability to Retailers of Peanuts

§ 2-8-79. Applicability of “Georgia Administrative Procedure act.”