Georgia Code
Article 3 - Agricultural Commodity Commission for Peanuts
§ 2-8-55. Commission as Public Corporation; Name Used in Contracts and Legal Proceedings; Chairman; Quorum; Oath of Office; Certification of Election

The commission shall be a public corporation and an instrumentality of the State of Georgia. By that name, style, and title, the commission may contract and be contracted with, implead and be impleaded, and complain and defend in all courts. The commission shall name its chairman and determine a quorum for the transaction of business. The commission shall assume the duties and exercise the authority provided in this article without further formality than that provided in this article. Each member of the commission shall be a public officer and shall take an oath of office faithfully to perform his duties. Such oath shall be administered by the Governor or some other person qualified to administer oaths. The fact of a member’s election shall be certified to the Secretary of State, who shall issue the appropriate commission under the seal of his office.
History. Code 1981, § 2-8-55 , enacted by Ga. L. 1989, p. 1420, § 1.

Structure Georgia Code

Georgia Code

Title 2 - Agriculture

Chapter 8 - Agricultural Commodities Promotion

Article 3 - Agricultural Commodity Commission for Peanuts

§ 2-8-50. Applicability of Article

§ 2-8-51. Definitions

§ 2-8-52. Commission Continued in Existence; Powers and Duties; Continuation of Certain Rules, Regulations, and Orders; Periodic Determination as to Continuation of Commission

§ 2-8-53. Membership of Commission; Division of Peanut-Producing Counties Into Districts; Election of Members; Compensation and Expenses; Certification of Members to Secretary of State

§ 2-8-54. Authority; Legal Representation; Acceptance and Use of Donations, Gifts, and Other Property; Exercise of Powers of Corporations; Continuation of Existence of Commission; Authority to Lease or Purchase Property

§ 2-8-55. Commission as Public Corporation; Name Used in Contracts and Legal Proceedings; Chairman; Quorum; Oath of Office; Certification of Election

§ 2-8-56. Receipt, Collection, and Disbursal of Funds

§ 2-8-57. Funds Held in Trust; Deposit, Accounting, and Disbursal of Funds; Exemption From Requirements Applicable to State Funds

§ 2-8-58. Bond of Persons Handling Funds Under Article; Signing of Checks, Drafts, and Negotiable Instruments; Election, Powers, and Duties of Treasurer

§ 2-8-59. Liability of Commission Members

§ 2-8-60. Authority to Confer With and Make Information Available to Governmental Authorities of This State, Other States, and the United States

§ 2-8-61. Issuance, Administration, and Enforcement of Marketing Orders; Notice and Hearing as to Proposed Order; Information From Persons Who May Be Affected by Order

§ 2-8-62. Recommendation of Promulgation of Marketing Order; Permissible Provisions of Orders; Effectiveness of Orders Heretofore Adopted and in Effect on July 1, 1989

§ 2-8-63. Finding of Assent or Approval of Producers Required for Marketing Order to Become Effective; Commission Authorized to Issue Orders Regulating Peanuts; Amendments; Notice; Rules and Regulations; Expiration and Extension of Orders

§ 2-8-64. Limiting of Application of Marketing Order to Certain Marketing Areas or Portions of State

§ 2-8-65. Seasonal Marketing Regulations; Legislative Findings; Interpretation of Code Section

§ 2-8-66. Applicability of Orders Regulating Minimum Quality, Condition, Size, or Maturity

§ 2-8-67. Assessments to Defray Expenses of Marketing Orders; Budgets for Administration; Authority to Borrow Money; Contributions in Lieu of Advance Deposits; Collection of Assessments; Rules; Enforcement of Payment; Deposit and Disbursement of Mone...

§ 2-8-68. Assessment Constitutes Personal Debt; Action for Collection; Fee for Late Payment; Remedies Cumulative

§ 2-8-69. Books and Records of Processors and Distributors; Furnishing Information to Commission; Inspection of Books and Records; Confidentiality; Enforcement

§ 2-8-70. Use of Designations of Grade, Quality, or Condition Without Complying With Regulations or Marketing Order

§ 2-8-71. Entry and Inspection of Premises to Check Compliance With Marketing Order; Holding of Lot of Peanuts to Ascertain Compliance; Affixing of Notice of Noncompliance; Service of Notice of Noncompliance; Correction of Deficiencies; Disposal of L...

§ 2-8-72. Civil Penalty; Fixing Amount of Penalty; Civil Action; Disposition of Moneys

§ 2-8-73. Action by Attorney General for Civil Penalties or Injunctive Relief; Remedies Court May Impose; Payment of Costs

§ 2-8-74. Referral of Complaints to Attorney General or Prosecuting Attorney; Hearing to Consider Charges; Cease and Desist Order

§ 2-8-75. False or Fraudulent Reports, Statements, and Records; Failure or Refusal to Give Name and Address of Person From Whom Peanuts Received

§ 2-8-76. Criminal Penalty

§ 2-8-77. Construction of Penalty and Remedy Provisions

§ 2-8-78. Applicability to Retailers of Peanuts

§ 2-8-79. Applicability of “Georgia Administrative Procedure act.”