Georgia Code
Article 1 - General Provisions
§ 15-18-25. Fine for Failure to Attend Courts

If a district attorney fails to attend on the courts of his circuit as required, without just cause, he is liable to be fined $50.00 for each failure, to be retained out of his salary.
History. Orig. Code 1863, § 353; Code 1868, § 414; Code 1873, § 379; Code 1882, § 379; Civil Code 1895, § 4394; Penal Code 1895, § 800; Civil Code 1910, § 4928; Penal Code 1910, § 800; Code 1933, § 24-2912; Ga. L. 1991, p. 135, § 3.

Structure Georgia Code

Georgia Code

Title 15 - Courts

Chapter 18 - Prosecuting Attorneys

Article 1 - General Provisions

§ 15-18-1. District Attorney as Successor to Solicitor-General

§ 15-18-2. Oath of Office

§ 15-18-3. Qualifications

§ 15-18-4. Effect of Attachment of County of Residence to Different Circuit

§ 15-18-4.1. District Attorney Performing Ordered Military Duty

§ 15-18-5. Appointment of Substitute for Absent or Disqualified District Attorney

§ 15-18-6. Duties of District Attorney

§ 15-18-6.1. Representation of State in Juvenile Court Cases

§ 15-18-7. Representation of State in Criminal Cases Removed to Federal Court

§ 15-18-9. Authority to Enter Nolle Prosequi

§ 15-18-10. Compensation of District Attorneys; Private Practice of Law Prohibited

§ 15-18-10.1. Annual Accountability Supplement; Exception

§ 15-18-11. Supplementation of Compensation for Services Under Code Section 19-11-23

§ 15-18-12. Travel Expenses; Provision of County Vehicle; Budget Request for State Funds

§ 15-18-13. Payment of Costs in Appellate Courts

§ 15-18-14. Appointment of Assistant District Attorneys; Qualifications; Compensation

§ 15-18-14.1. Investigators; Qualifications; Powers; Compensation

§ 15-18-14.2. Victim Assistance Coordinator

§ 15-18-15. Chief Assistant District Attorney; Powers and Duties in District Attorney’s Absence

§ 15-18-16. Substitution of Assistant on Death or Resignation of District Attorney

§ 15-18-17. Employment of Administrative Personnel Generally

§ 15-18-19. State Paid Personnel; Salary Schedules

§ 15-18-20. Additional Personnel as State Employees

§ 15-18-20.1. Additional Personnel for District Attorney’s Office

§ 15-18-21. Qualifications of Attorneys and Investigators Employed by District Attorney

§ 15-18-22. Use of Third-Year Law Students and Law School Staff Instructors as Legal Assistants in Criminal Proceedings

§ 15-18-23. Office Expenses

§ 15-18-24. Liability of District Attorney; Failure to Comply as Ground for Impeachment

§ 15-18-25. Fine for Failure to Attend Courts

§ 15-18-26. Taking Money or Thing of Value in Exchange for Official Actions; Ground for Impeachment

§ 15-18-27. Allegation of Indictable Offense Committed by District Attorney or Staff Member; Procedure if True Bill Found

§ 15-18-28. Personnel Positions Continuation After April 11, 1990

§ 15-18-29. Honorary Office of District Attorney Emeritus

§ 15-18-30. Temporary Assistance of Retired Prosecuting Attorney

§ 15-18-31. Referrals to Defensive Driving Programs