Florida Statutes
Chapter 717 - Disposition of Unclaimed Property
717.1400 - Registration.

(1) In order to file claims as a claimant’s representative, acquire ownership of or entitlement to unclaimed property, receive a distribution of fees and costs from the department, and obtain unclaimed property dollar amounts and numbers of reported shares of stock held by the department, a private investigator holding a Class “C” individual license under chapter 493 must register with the department on such form as the department prescribes by rule and must be verified by the applicant. To register with the department, a private investigator must provide:
(a) A legible copy of the applicant’s Class “A” business license under chapter 493 or that of the applicant’s firm or employer which holds a Class “A” business license under chapter 493.
(b) A legible copy of the applicant’s Class “C” individual license issued under chapter 493.
(c) The business address and telephone number of the applicant’s private investigative firm or employer.
(d) The names of agents or employees, if any, who are designated to act on behalf of the private investigator, together with a legible copy of their photo identification issued by an agency of the United States, or a state, or a political subdivision thereof.
(e) Sufficient information to enable the department to disburse funds by electronic funds transfer.
(f) The tax identification number of the private investigator’s firm or employer which holds a Class “A” business license under chapter 493.

(2) In order to file claims as a claimant’s representative, acquire ownership of or entitlement to unclaimed property, receive a distribution of fees and costs from the department, and obtain unclaimed property dollar amounts and numbers of reported shares of stock held by the department, a Florida-certified public accountant must register with the department on such form as the department prescribes by rule and must be verified by the applicant. To register with the department, a Florida-certified public accountant must provide:
(a) The applicant’s Florida Board of Accountancy number.
(b) A legible copy of the applicant’s current driver license showing the full name and current address of such person. If a current driver license is not available, another form of identification showing the full name and current address of such person or persons shall be filed with the department.
(c) The business address and telephone number of the applicant’s public accounting firm or employer.
(d) The names of agents or employees, if any, who are designated to act on behalf of the Florida-certified public accountant, together with a legible copy of their photo identification issued by an agency of the United States, or a state, or a political subdivision thereof.
(e) Sufficient information to enable the department to disburse funds by electronic funds transfer.
(f) The tax identification number of the accountant’s public accounting firm employer.

(3) In order to file claims as a claimant’s representative, acquire ownership of or entitlement to unclaimed property, receive a distribution of fees and costs from the department, and obtain unclaimed property dollar amounts and numbers of reported shares of stock held by the department, an attorney licensed to practice in this state must register with the department on such form as the department prescribes by rule and must be verified by the applicant. To register with the department, such attorney must provide:
(a) The applicant’s Florida Bar number.
(b) A legible copy of the applicant’s current driver license showing the full name and current address of such person. If a current driver license is not available, another form of identification showing the full name and current address of such person or persons shall be filed with the department.
(c) The business address and telephone number of the applicant’s firm or employer.
(d) The names of agents or employees, if any, who are designated to act on behalf of the attorney, together with a legible copy of their photo identification issued by an agency of the United States, or a state, or a political subdivision thereof.
(e) Sufficient information to enable the department to disburse funds by electronic funds transfer.
(f) The tax identification number of the attorney’s firm or employer.

(4) Information and documents already on file with the department before the effective date of this provision need not be resubmitted in order to complete the registration.
(5) If a material change in the status of a registration occurs, a registrant must, within 30 days, provide the department with the updated documentation and information in writing. Material changes include, but are not limited to: a designated agent or employee ceasing to act on behalf of the designating person, a surrender, suspension, or revocation of a license, or a license renewal.
(a) If a designated agent or employee ceases to act on behalf of the person who has designated the agent or employee to act on such person’s behalf, the designating person must, within 30 days, inform the Division of Unclaimed Property in writing of the termination of agency or employment.
(b) If a registrant surrenders the registrant’s license or the license is suspended or revoked, the registrant must, within 30 days, inform the division in writing of the surrender, suspension, or revocation.
(c) If a private investigator’s Class “C” individual license under chapter 493 or a private investigator’s employer’s Class “A” business license under chapter 493 is renewed, the private investigator must provide a copy of the renewed license to the department within 30 days after the receipt of the renewed license by the private investigator or the private investigator’s employer.

(6) A registrant’s firm or employer may not have a name that might lead another person to conclude that the registrant’s firm or employer is affiliated or associated with the United States, or an agency thereof, or a state or an agency or political subdivision of a state. The department shall deny an application for registration or revoke a registration if the applicant’s or registrant’s firm or employer has a name that might lead another person to conclude that the firm or employer is affiliated or associated with the United States, or an agency thereof, or a state or an agency or political subdivision of a state. Names that might lead another person to conclude that the firm or employer is affiliated or associated with the United States, or an agency thereof, or a state or an agency or political subdivision of a state, include, but are not limited to, the words United States, Florida, state, bureau, division, department, or government.
(7) The licensing and other requirements of this section must be maintained as a condition of registration with the department.
History.—s. 141, ch. 2004-390; s. 133, ch. 2005-2; s. 25, ch. 2005-163; s. 11, ch. 2016-90; s. 44, ch. 2016-165.

Structure Florida Statutes

Florida Statutes

Title XL - Real and Personal Property

Chapter 717 - Disposition of Unclaimed Property

717.001 - Short Title.

717.101 - Definitions.

717.102 - Property Presumed Unclaimed; General Rule.

717.103 - General Rules for Taking Custody of Intangible Unclaimed Property.

717.1035 - Property Originated or Issued by This State, Any Political Subdivision of This State, or Any Entity Incorporated, Organized, Created, or Otherwise Located in the State.

717.104 - Traveler’s Checks and Money Orders.

717.1045 - Gift Certificates and Similar Credit Items.

717.105 - Checks, Drafts, and Similar Instruments Issued or Certified by Banking and Financial Organizations.

717.106 - Bank Deposits and Funds in Financial Organizations.

717.107 - Funds Owing Under Life Insurance Policies, Annuity Contracts, and Retained Asset Accounts; Fines, Penalties, and Interest; United States Social Security Administration Death Master File.

717.1071 - Lost Owners of Unclaimed Demutualization, Rehabilitation, or Related Reorganization Proceeds.

717.108 - Deposits Held by Utilities.

717.109 - Refunds Held by Business Associations.

717.1101 - Unclaimed Equity and Debt of Business Associations.

717.111 - Property of Business Associations Held in Course of Dissolution.

717.112 - Property Held by Agents and Fiduciaries.

717.1125 - Property Held by Fiduciaries Under Trust Instruments.

717.113 - Property Held by Courts and Public Agencies.

717.115 - Wages.

717.116 - Contents of Safe-Deposit Box or Other Safekeeping Repository.

717.117 - Report of Unclaimed Property.

717.118 - Notification of Apparent Owners of Unclaimed Property.

717.119 - Payment or Delivery of Unclaimed Property.

717.1201 - Custody by State; Holder Relieved From Liability; Reimbursement of Holder Paying Claim; Reclaiming for Owner; Defense of Holder; Payment of Safe-Deposit Box or Repository Charges.

717.121 - Crediting of Dividends, Interest, or Increments to Owner’s Account.

717.122 - Public Sale of Unclaimed Property.

717.123 - Deposit of Funds.

717.1235 - Dormant Campaign Accounts; Report of Unclaimed Property.

717.124 - Unclaimed Property Claims.

717.12403 - Unclaimed Demand, Savings, or Checking Account in a Financial Institution Held in the Name of More Than One Person.

717.12404 - Claims on Behalf of a Business Entity or Trust.

717.12405 - Claims by Estates.

717.12406 - Joint Ownership of Unclaimed Securities or Dividends.

717.1241 - Conflicting Claims.

717.1242 - Restatement of Jurisdiction of the Circuit Court Sitting in Probate and the Department.

717.1243 - Small Estate Accounts.

717.1244 - Determinations of Unclaimed Property Claims.

717.1245 - Garnishment of Unclaimed Property.

717.125 - Claim of Another State to Recover Property; Procedure.

717.126 - Administrative Hearing; Burden of Proof; Proof of Entitlement; Venue.

717.1261 - Death Certificates.

717.1262 - Court Documents.

717.127 - Election to Take Payment or Delivery.

717.128 - Destruction or Disposition of Property Having Insubstantial Commercial Value; Immunity From Liability.

717.129 - Periods of Limitation.

717.1301 - Investigations; Examinations; Subpoenas.

717.1311 - Retention of Records.

717.1315 - Retention of Records by Claimant’s Representatives and Buyers of Unclaimed Property.

717.132 - Enforcement; Cease and Desist Orders; Fines.

717.1322 - Administrative and Civil Enforcement.

717.1323 - Prohibited Practice.

717.133 - Interstate Agreements and Cooperation; Joint and Reciprocal Actions With Other States.

717.1331 - Actions Against Holders.

717.1333 - Evidence; Estimations; Audit Reports, Examiner’s Worksheets, Investigative Reports, Other Related Documents.

717.134 - Penalties and Interest.

717.1341 - Invalid Claims, Recovery of Property, Interest and Penalties.

717.135 - Recovery Agreements and Purchase Agreements for Claims Filed by a Claimant’s Representative; Fees and Costs.

717.1355 - Theme Park and Entertainment Complex Tickets.

717.136 - Foreign Transactions.

717.138 - Rulemaking Authority.

717.1382 - United States Savings Bond; Unclaimed Property; Escheatment; Procedure.

717.1383 - United States Savings Bond; Claim for Bond.

717.139 - Uniformity of Application and Construction.

717.1400 - Registration.

717.1401 - Repeal.